Between the ceiling to the floor
between wall to wall
sits a girl and cry
she lost her innocent too young
She wants to go
but yet she stays
the walls are closin' in on her from everywhere
she wants to scream
but yet she sleeps
in her dreams
she can be free
In heaven
within hell
nigthmares crawlin' to her head
feelings are over
feelings are gone
and the girl stays all alone
On the day
the night hold the sun
in her eyes
a death sign
in the yes
you can feel the no
we think we do
but we don't know
To this girl
it's not so hard
she lived with that all her life
She wants to go
but yet she stays
in heaven
hell crawls within
In her mind
in her breath
it got to stop before it will stay
Innocent is over
it's not her fault
she was safe
but now she is not
In her smile
under her tears
in her mouth
the shout stays clear
In the yes
can't feel the no
it was there
but not anymore
innocent is gone |
סלוגן זה כמו
איבר מין -
אם הוא ארוך
מידי, אומרים
שהוא וולגרי.
אם הוא קצר
מידי, אומרים
שאין לו טעם. |
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.