I'll never give up my freedom
I'm not going to stop thinking the way I do
I'll never give up freethinking
I'm not going to stop believing the things I do
What would happen if I turned my back on
Society's fucked dictating rules?
No longer will I stand and watch
My life fly by in this nation of fools
I'll never give up my freedom
I'm not going to stop thinking the way I do
I'll never give up freethinking
I'm not going to stop believing the things I do
So don't expect me to follow you around like a
Helpless little sheep waiting to be found
'Cause I know where I am and where I'm not
Supposed to be a free man in the military
I'll never give up my freedom
I'm not going to stop thinking the way I do
I'll never give up freethinking
I'm not going to stop believing the things I do
Now I wish I had a car
A girl
And some friends
I wish I could fulfill all of life's plans
But that's all over it's too late
I'm not dead but I can relate
What do you call a man without his future?
That's right you guessed it.
I am a soldier!!
I'll never give up my freedom
I'm not going to stop thinking the way I do
I'll never give up freethinking
I'm not going to stop believing the things I do. |
יש לצביקה פיק
י. פופק כותב
משפטים כפולי
משמעות. |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.