You think you know me
but you don't
You think you know how I feel
but you don't
You think you know all my problems
but you don't
You think you can figure me out
but you can't
You don't really know
A thing about me.
I think
You never will.
I'm too complicated for you
It's time you realized
We can never be together
It's time to face the truth
I wish it were different,
But I doubt it'll ever be.
I guess we weren't made for each other,
But will we ever find out who is...?
You think you got me
but you don't
You think we'll be together
but deep inside you know we won't
You think you love me
but do you really?
You think I love you too
and, you know what?
Maybe I do
I'm just a fantasy,
For you.
Just a dream,
So you won't have to face the real world.
But dreams don't last forever,
Soon this one will crush too.
I wish it were different,
I wish you really loved me,
I wish I could love you too.
But to be honest,
We both know that's wishing for the impossible
And we've got to face the truth. |