Ones upon a time, in the country of "Far Far Away" (No, we
are not there yet!), was a lovely, butifull, princess.
She had deep, red-brown eyes (And the most perfect ass ever
existent, in all seven-kingdoms of heaven). But she was
allso really smart!
Our princess lived in the tallest tower you can ever
amagine, and she was really sad, becouse she had no-one to
trust in, and to fight with him, and to be happy, or just
talk with him.
So one day, finally, she got the courage and got away from
the tall-tall tower. The princces walked for hours until she
got to a butifull wide waterfall. Next to it she sew a
painter, standing and painting the waterfall. But when she
got closer she noticet, that he is not painting the
waterfall, but something completly diffrent.
The princces asked him:"Why it seems that you paint the
waterfall, when you actually painting a Dragon? - Not that
he is less preety from the waterfall, your dragon is
butifull!". -- She hurried to add, becouse she did not
wanted to hurt hes feeling, and the dragon was, indeed,
The strange painter explaind to her that that he is,
ofcours, painting the waterfall, but what she see as a
waterfall, he see as a dragon. --"Do you really think my
dragon is butifull?"
The strange painter explaind our princces how to look a
little-bit diffrent at things, and she explaind him how to
give from himself, and not to be afraid. -Well, ok, she is
still working on this.
I can not tell you if they lived "Happly Ever After", --They
are still working on this.
When i will know, i will tell you first.
But what i can tell you ; Is that the princces will not
forget him, and that she love him alot, and really misses
him when she iss in her mother place, siting and tayping
fairy-tales storys for him.
dedicated to my best friend, wich i love, vasia.
O, you know him!