In unique lines of lore
I pledge hand and leg more
in restrained, terrible purpose for
where the sound of muteness hides my war.
Foot to fro, hand to hip and fist
my blood gushes and winds and halts at my wrist
my eyes see and my mind senses, heart at mist
I will know dead - each enemy in this here list.
treasure time of outnumbered rigid detained, moments
of one gasping, tame robust breath's torment
in the pact between mind and hand, here assailant himself
for indeed provoking of fingers,toes,assault a talent.
Then, such rhyme and word doth tell
of real and tangible warriors that so fell
every epic phrase, alagory majestic doth this scene swell
heed the story of opponents, all ,who in world and spirit I
do quell |