By me, thou art a soaring blazing flame,
Its spark eternal as its blooming youth.
Thou be'st my only guide, both wild and tame,
Yet of my love you'll never know the truth.
Drawn to you like a moth, wish not to part,
Your words engage me with their striking might;
With every searing glance you scorch my heart,
Your image burns within me day and night.
You hold me captive in a fiery cage,
In which I willfully in bliss reside.
I am disjunct - I know no time or age,
Bound by my ardent zeal I wait inside.
And as a smitten moth in ardor's fire
I burn by the absurdness of my desire.
סונטת אהבה בסגנון שייקספיר, נכתבה בנובמבר 2004. |