You hate the world
Sometimes you even hate yourself
You hit the wall
Or break the pictures on your shelf
You scream out loud
But they can't hear the plead for help
The love you used to feel
is dead
Behind your angel face
you hide a lie
You hold your velvet hands in fists
In order not to cry
Your eyes are black
Your tears long dry
You smile a little
Because you're high
The life you used to have
Is lost in vain
So now those walls you loved
Are driving you insane
Few memories before your eyes
In a room filled with smoke
You know the one you loved is dead
And you're a living joke
Behind your angel face
you hide a lie
You hold your velvet hands in fists
In order not to cry
Your eyes are black
Your tears long dry
You smile a little
Because you're high
You see your image in the mirror
And shut your eyes in pain
You used to be so beautiful
You'll never be the same
Your velvet hands in bruises
Your angel face in scars
You step on the balcony
And fall with falling stars
Behind your angel face
you hide a lie
I look at your velvet hands
In order not to cry
Your eyes were black
Your tears long dry
What once fell low
Now is flying high
למרות שהסיטואציה המתוארת בשיר יכולה להראות קצת קיצונית, כל
אחד, במידה מסויימת, יכול לחוש איזושהי הזדהות עם המילים:
Behind your face
you hide a lie
You hold your hands in fists
In order not to cry