Two corrupted fleshes
Lying there attached,
It is time to turn to ashes
After the mortal misconduct.
This enormous lust-
The fire in their bodies,
Has broken their sole trust
In front of the pure goddess.
Her will for his attention
Sweeped her judgement further,
His cumpolsiveness and passion
Has turned him into murderer.
Now he mourns her doom
He's the cause of his reclusion,
In the dark and endless room
She appears as a delusion.
The hasty copulation-
Her scream for his attention,
Ended up his liberty
And presented his stupidity.
Her innocence was ripped
She no longer can deny,
But she glad she felt the heat-
The one which lifted her so high.
It brought him to the prison
The key he couldn't find,
He stayed there all the season
Nearly lost his mind.
Again her soul he wailed
With halter in his hand,
Then himself he bailed
And has flown far towards her land.
The hasty copulation-
Her scream for his attention,
Ended up his liberty
And presented his stupidity.
Her innocence was ripped
She no longer can deny,
But she glad she felt the heat-
The one which lifted her so high. |