Today I dreamt about you again
The bad part is that I can still feel the pain
This hurt is overwhelming
The thoughts about you really aren't helping
I want you back, to be mine
When you're around me everything's fine
But you're so far away and my world collapses
I look around and all I can see is faces
Behind them there's no meaning
They look and they stare, silently screaming
I ran away but this new place is fake
How could I do this? I made a mistake
I'm loosing my mind, I want to get out
Looking at faces and trying to shout
Faces don't see me and don't want to hear
They won't even care if I'll disappear
They're moving along and I stay behind
They don't understand me, think I'm out of my mind
Everything is spinning around and I'm going crazy
But then it stops and everything's faded
I open my eyes and don't understand
What the hell happened?! Oh....I'm dreaming again...
©Inness |
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