The overseer
The overseer of the golden lands
Sits upon his throne
And bestows his wrath upon the world
A custodian of the planet of life
But he cannot keep from cripple the province
Spoiling its environment in his quest for his destiny
Desolating the land by his motion
Behold how the oasis of life
Transformed into a barren desert
The realm of the overseer had grown in size
But had rotten from inside
Destroying the existing to create the new
And as a seed that is not nourished
So will his world wither
And the overseer of the golden lands
Now understood his mistake
For in his pursuit for his destiny
He had found his doom
A planet of life transfigured into a planet of dissolution
Maintain the existing and nourish the new
Build your future on your past
For is you do not do so
Your life will be meaningless
עכשיו 5:30
בבוקר ואני בבמה
אני עייף,
ומפליץ ללא
5:31 בבוקר, אני
הולך לישון.
השניצל הולך
לישון תוך כדי
הפלצה. |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.