We're sitting by ourselves
The cabin is fun as Hell
But we don't notice the shadow
The kitchen knife is missing
The trees outside are hissing
Trying to warn us, but they can't
One disappears
And it doesn't seem clear
Until we find her hanging
The phones are dead
A hint from the dread
Is it me or is that figure strangling?
Locked wooden doors
Hearing footsteps on the floors
Try not to breathe, but I can't
Suddenly all is quiet
Maybe I should fight it
Turning the knob, a fatal mistake
The axe came down with a slash
All I saw was flash
And now lonely nothing
It's kind of weird
How things appear
When you come to visit
At the Horror Lake Inn |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.