Buffy Summers was sitting on the grass near the old school.
It was a nice autumn day and she was looking at the trees.
The wind was blowing gently, moving about her blonde hair.
Sunnydale. Yes, she was still in Sunnydale.
Good old Sunnydale. World's greatest hellhole.
She was wearing her old leather jacket, the one he gave her
at the bronze once. Underneath she had a black dress.
Hey! What's up?
Willow, her longtime friend, the school genius and member
of the Sunnydale jewish congregation, which made her twice
as much hated, sat beside her.
Nothing. Just counting the leaves.
Is everything okay? You look different.
Buffy smiled. A sad smile.
It's the algebra test next week?
Is it the mormon vampire you still haven`t staked? the one
who sends his women to die for him?
Because I think he used his last one, now that no. 8 is
Buffy nodded in silence.
Willow hesitated. Then she decided to strode on.
You still thinking of him?
You always could read my thoughts.
Willow stroked her arm amd smiled in sympathy:
Buffy, you know you had to do it.
She smiled again, gloomily.
Xander appeared.The adorable dork, who always made up with
his good heart for his inabilities in intelect,
action and tact.
What are my favorite girls up to?
Still mourning the vamp? By the way, you doing something
Wiillow nudged the boy.
Sorry, Buffy. But I couldn't stand him. Never could.
Buffy looked at him coldley.
I noticed.
Giles came. carrying books as usual. The perfect anglo-
saxon gentleman who went to Oxford or Camebridge. Only, he
dropped out.
Why weren`t you at training this morning, may I ask?
He paused. No answer came.
You seem different, Buffy. Is something wrong?
You noticed too?
Willow punched Xander on the shoulder.
Theres a new villan on the loose...
Doesn't make a difference.
Buffy looked around. Knowing its all going to change now.
Im preagnant
But you only slept with...
.Xander did'nt finish the sentence beacuse of the shock
So it's goona be...
Yup. A new blood sucking honey of my own.
But that's-
She went inside her pocket and took the home preg. test.
I did it four times. plus I didn't have a period in over 2
Giles looked puzzled. Then he said academiclly
Well that happenes now and then-
Buffy looked annoyed.
Giles, get real. you my be a great watcher but youre no
gynocologist. I'm bearing Angel`s child!
And all this time I thought you were getting fatter because
you found confinment in burgers...
Willow and Giles looked at Xander. He shut up.
So what now?
I'm going to have him. What else?
Look. He was conceived while Angel had a soul. Chances are
that he'll be ok. You can`t beacome a vampire through genes.
And If not?
Im having him. It`s the only thing I have left of him except
for this jacket. Fuck everything else.
Makes sense as much as everything else around here
Willow said knowingly
Buffy rose up. Giles wanted to say smothing but looking at
her remained silent .
Goodbye, guys. I'm leaving.The new slayer is on her way.
she's from virginia, her name's Charlotte.
She hugged Willow ,shook hands with Giles and endured the
hug and attempted breast fondling from Xander.
As she was walking away she saw Oz, Willow's silent
boyfriend, who just waved at her. But then-
Hey, Buffy! where did you get that dress? mom's closet or
the salvation army?
It was Cordelia, offcourse. The rich bitch who latley became
Xander's love (and hate).
Hi, Cordi.
Are you going anywhere?
yes. Im leaving.
Trying to heal the wound, huh?
Buffy looked suprised.
I can understand.
You can?
Sure. every boy you sleep with, espiceally a dead one like
your only boyfriend, turns into a monster after he gets his
fun. and then you had to kill him---
Buffy smiled as she drew a clear punch into her face.
I'll miss you too, Cordi!
Cordelia held her cheek and went away murmuring,
Its not my fault everybody's so touchy.
Buffy took her bag and went to the bus stop and waited
feeling relivied by the moment. when the bus came she got on
and sat near the window, she murmured 'goodbye, fucking
Sunnydale' and watched the town slliping away from her like
a staked vampire turning to dust ...
(To be read as the final scene in the final episode of
season two of Buffy the vampire slayer, where the show
could have beautifully ended.) |
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.