אוהד מרבך / Let It Out |
רוק בריטי.
Let It Out
Some times I can feel my life
Passes me unnoticed as they go
Too much things I keep inside
Stupid as it is to hide
I think my conscience is too strong
Making every step I take look wrong
But now I know I'm gonna let it out
Sh...sh...sh...sh...shout my sins and let my mind go free!
Clean my hands time after time
But the bad thoughts do not wash away
Even though I know I'm a good man
I fear of hurting people that I love
But when I whisper it in your ear
Only then the fear can disappear
And now we're gonna let it out
Sh...sh...sh...sh...shout our sins and let our minds go
Only then I'll find the love in me.
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
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