Don't you ever feel remorse and longing for the times that
used to be, for an era when your life was more simple?
I used to, back when the way I saw the world was so simple,
that I didn't dwell on the things that matter.
But that was childhood, a long and forgotten innocence, that
if not lost, was diminished in the aspect that now I see the
world as for it, a mass of different ideals and conflicting
desires, and yet with that shred of innocence, I see among
the mess, a certain spark hope, a common ground between
No, I am not crazy, nor naive, I have looked into the hell
that this world offer, and if anything, I find that hope,
although diminished is emphasized by the depth of despair.
And once again, I look at the past I didn't understand, and
see that things haven't changed, for humans remain humans,
it is our perspective that changes.
So I ask myself, do I want to return to not knowing the mess
in which we live, and live blessed ignorance, or would I
prefer to live in a world in which I know the dangers and
treacheries that await me, but a world that I contain the
hope in which I see the future, a future in which I hope
that those who will follow me, those who will live in
blessed ignorance, would see a world which remains in their
eyes the same as they go from childhood to adulthood.
Not naivety, nor stupidity, but simple hope, that the way I
saw the world as an ignorant child, would be the way
following generations will see the world as intelligent
Well, a dream it may perhaps be, but a pleasent one, which
with what I know of this world, makes it possible for me to
swallow this bitter medicine without flinching. |