He slid his hand across her back, rubbing it to the point it
almost hurt. He stuffed his nose in her neck, smelling,
sniffing like a wild dog. He was hot for her and his body
could no longer hold it. He started kissing her shoulder,
nibbling her skin. She moaned with pleasure, squeezing his
ass, licking his ear. He was ready; it didn't take long with
her. He heard her snarl quietly. A little growl like a small
tiger, it turned him on even more. She ripped his shirt off
and he ripped hers, leaning on her to drop her on the couch.
Her skin felt a bit coarse and leathery all of a sudden but
he didn't mind, it was too passionate to stop and he wanted
her so bad. She began scratching him, he felt his back
bleed. She was an animal! She bit him on the chest and he
yelled. He opened his eyes and saw a blur of orange before
him. Her skin wasn't just coarse, it was scaly and horns
were coming out of the top of her head. Her eyes were yellow
and catlike and she growled loudly. She had grown a tail.
Long, slender and red, it wavered calmly on the couch. He
jumped back with disgust. He almost fucked this woman! She
sprang up with feline agility and eyed him maliciously.
"You want me, don't you?" she asked, her voice sounded like
a hundred whispers. Her blonde hair spread upon her like a
mane, wild and treacherous. Her teeth were as sharp as
nails, they sparkled when she smiled. She walked towards him
silently, licking her lips, still the luscious red they were
"I need a child", she said, and any small hint of amusement
disappeared from her voice, "you will give me one."
"What... what are you?" he managed to ask with a trembling
voice, walking backwards, feeling behind him for anything to
"I'm a great many things; you needn't trouble your mind with
it. Come, sit on the sofa, you know you want to. It will
feel good."
He didn't want to. Not a bit. He kept walking backwards,
hoping to stumble upon the door, but he didn't dare take his
eyes off of her. He knew that if he'd let his guard down
she'd be on him in a second.
"Stop walking backwards. You're not getting out of here",
she told him and the words sounded so true coming from her.
She began walking faster, looking deeply into him, sniffing
his scent from the air. "Besides", she added, pointing
behind her, "the exit's that way."
He looked over her shoulder, already knowing she was right.
All at once he panicked and tried running past her, but her
tail shot out from behind her like a fiery whip and slammed
him into a wall. He stayed down for a few moments, looking
for some other way out.
"Stop running!" she yelled. Her voice shook the walls and
fire was coming out of her mouth. "Give me my child and you
can walk away!"
"Why do you want one?!" He yelled back, almost crying now.
"GIVE ME A CHILD!" Her tail slapped a wall and broke a huge
hole in it.
"No! What are you?!"
"BE QUIET!" she breathed fire at him, singeing his palms as
he was covering his face.
He screamed and opened his eyes. She wasn't in front of him
or to his sides. He got up slowly and headed for the door.
He felt someone watching him, he felt her presence. He
looked up. She was hovering right above him, a terrifying
smile on her scaly face. She dropped on him and held him
tightly in her grasp. She tore his pants off with her mouth
and threw him on the couch.
"Don't struggle! You will like it!"
He struggled. Desperately tried to push her away, thrashing
and kicking and snapping his jaws as her face grew near. In
a final effort he pushed her off and she fell to the floor.
He ran as fast as he could but it was no use, she caught his
foot with her hand and flipped him over on his back. They
both got up and looked at each other, breathing heavily.
"Get away from me..." he said quietly and began walking
backwards again.
"I won't let you go", she said, and again her words rang
frighteningly true. "I need a child." She walked faster
towards him, a relentless look in her yellow, catlike eyes.
He walked backwards faster, looking at her intently, and
didn't notice the stool behind him. She gave a small lunge
at him and he jumped back, tripped on the stool, and fell
over the railing of the large window behind him. His yells
grew softer and softer as he fell down all twenty stories of
the Paradise Hotel.
She walked slowly to the window and looked down.
"There goes another one", she said softly to herself and
went to the bathroom. She looked at the mirror and a
beautiful blonde woman looked back, with luscious lips and
green eyes and silky white skin; a business woman on holiday
just waiting for the right man. That's what she says at the
bar. Plenty of single males there and the married ones are
very enthusiastic, too. She'd have a child sooner or later,
and until then there was always room over the railing. |