The next story isn't recommended for the religious...
Some of the famous stories (And when I say famous it doesn't
necessarily mean among the humans) aren't about gods at
Those stories didn't have a say in the global sense. They
were just other stories that were added to history and got
Who haven't heard about vampires and werewolves? Even elves
and dragons got heard of (Even among the humans). But humans
only heard of them, made them tales, legends and fantasies.
Creatures like leprecons, dwarfs, fairies, d'jinns and much
more were actually workers, servants and helpers of the
gods, until the gods got tired or fad up with them so much
that they let them go or either they got loose somehow.
Each kind of the creatures went in a different direction in
life once he was free.
Fairies liked to divide topics between them. Therefore it
was divided for example like tooth fairy, horse fairy, house
fairy and much more. Some were more famous and some were
less famous.
Dwarfs are quite short and it is believed to have helped
them find the secrets of the earth for some unknown reason.
About them I have nothing much to say because even the
humans know the main things to know. In their mature ages
they reached the height of as tall as 4'3" and as low as
Leprecons belonged to the Nordic gods. Three things that
they loved the most were: old buildings, gold coins and
cruel jokes. Every human legend that could be taken involves
one or more of the three elements. Think about it: A jar of
gold coins at the end of the rainbow, Basement that is
occupied by a leprecon. They all involve old structures,
gold and jokes on the expense of others.
D'jinns used to be a large group of radicals that worked for
the gods as slaves until one day the gods got angry at them
and punished them severely. With a little thought it is
possible to come to the conclusion of what was the
punishment. The gods gave d'jinns powers like the gods had
but the limitation that was given afterward was the
punishment. What is worse then to have all the power in the
world and not been able to use it at all? The gods stuck
them in hollow objects and closed them there. They can only
come out if someone rubbed the object that trapped them
inside. Then they can only use their given powers in the
wishes of the creature that released them. The number of
wishes is limited to three. That creature can't call them
out more then once. They can only be free if the creature
wastes a wish and basically wish the d'jinn to go free of
his punishment prison. This punishment was one of the more
creative punishments that were invented in the history.
There were plenty more creatures then the ones I have talked
about but I would like to focus now on vampires.
Even the vampires themselves, to the last one, don't know
how they were created. But gods do know. Actually not all
gods know but a handful of them. They didn't keep it in
secret. They simply so much didn't care, that they never
bothered to tell anyone. If we needed to point a guilty
finger at someone for their creation then we need to point
only at one. It was god (the all mighty of Jews, Christians
and Muslims). This was also one of the more creative (if not
the most creative) punishments that were made in history.
In fact humans already came up with the idea of what really
happened and they don't know it yet. Humans screened a movie
all over the world called "Dracula 2000". The movie tells
that Dracula is Judas priest. To make a good movie you need
to add great effects, a good plot and a few other things.
But the main idea in the movie was true. On the other hand
the publicity of vampires which got them famous was created
at 1476 when vlad dracul "died" that year at age 45.
Researchers that came a while later to his grave to search
for bones have discovered wolf bones but not the remains of
the body of dracul. It says in history that the head of
dracul was shown at the public square of Constantinople for
everyone to know that he is dead. But in fact it was a
Just imagine what a horrible punishment it really is.
Someone with a metabolism so high, even if he eats
constantly he wouldn't satiate himself. His only way to
satiate is to take blood directly into his own (blood
transfusion). Because the punishment was meant to be
extremely long god gave him long, pointy and very strong
Are you able to think what would happen if you needed to
kill every single day an amount of people so you would
Do you think you could handle the thought of all the blood
and the killing?
On top of that god gave him immortality so that the
punishment would go on and on.
The high metabolism is what makes the vampires look so pail.
Vampires aren't sensitive to holly things, neither religious
items such as crosses and holly water nor religious places
such as synagogues and churches. They are also not sensitive
to garlic. Judas priest hated religion and the stigma got
stuck about all vampires. A group of vampires at one time in
one place hated the taste of garlic and the stigma got stuck
about all vampires.
A stake trough the heart didn't do anything. Because the
metabolism rate was so high, the blood never had time to go
out from the holes that were made, and it continued to
circulate inside the body.
Besides, the stigma about a stake trough the heart came from
vlad dracul. One of his enjoyments when he was still a human
(or as most people understand it - alive) was to kill people
himself by pushing a stake through the heart (and he killed
thousands in that particular way).
Because the metabolism rate was so high the holes that were
made closed up in just a few seconds and the body healed
itself in just a few seconds.
That's why chopping the head from the body did kill them and
as a matter of fact splitting the body into two parts did
the job as well.
If a vampire caught on fire that was really strong, even
that fire couldn't burn him fast enough but it would stop
him from healing fast during the time it burned.
The last part of the punishment was never to see the sun
again. A vampire that wants to see the sun in the sky knows
that it would be his last day. God made that punishment to
annoy and spite the vampire Judas. The radiation from the
sun hurt the speed of the metabolism rate so much that it
slowed it down much below the average rate of a human.
Besides that, the radiation made the part of the body it
touched extremely vulnerable to diseases. The sunlight heat
and radiation burned through the flash so fast that in a few
seconds it caught on fire.
All of the above makes the sun kill the vampire so fast (in
under a minute) and with so much torture that no creature
should endure it.
The question asked here is probably why vampires and not
just Judas priest?
The answer to that is that after a short period of time
Judas priest discovered that the same way he takes blood
with his eyeteeth he can insert blood of his own to the
victim's body.
The result of it was that his blood would spread over the
blood of the victim like a disease, eventually changing it
to be like the foreign blood and change the victim's
eyeteeth genetically like a vampire's eyeteeth hence forth
making him a new vampire.
The fact that Judas priest or any other vampire after him
could make new vampires wasn't part of the plan made by god.
It was just a side affect. There is a saying: there are
perfect plans but there aren't perfect implementations.
There is a rumor that vampires can change into bats and some
stories even say they can change into wolfs. Those rumors
aren't true. The truth of the matter is that the high
metabolism rate gave vampires a few extraordinary advantages
over humans. One known extraordinary advantage was the fact
that vampires can move Faster then the human eye. At one
time long ago a human seen a vampire vanishes from his eyes
and the next second he seen a bat. The conclusion he made
was a wrong one. What happened was that the vampire moved
away too fast for that human to see and a bat just happened
to be there. At a different time long ago a group of people
thought that they cornered a vampire in the woods. They
heard a growl behind them and looked away to see what made
it. It was a wolf. Although it took them only a couple of
seconds to look away and back, the vampire used that moment
to move from there to somewhere else they can't see. While
panicking about the fact that the vampire was gone the wolf
attacked them. When they fought back the wolf ran away. When
they thought back on that situation they made the wrong
It is a known fact in psychology that people will believe
what they want to believe regardless of what they see or
Another known extraordinary advantage over humans was that
vampires had sharper vision. They also had stronger eyes and
a faster movement of them. So if something moved faster then
the human eye, they could still see it. Maybe they couldn't
follow it with their eyes very well but they could still see
it, unlike humans, if it moves in their eye sight.
As fast as vampires could see, they couldn't see as fast as
they could move. So when a vampire moves that fast he
usually plans his route so he wouldn't hit objects along the
Last known extraordinary advantage is the vampire's
strength. The rumor has it that a vampire is about ten
times stronger then the strongest human alive. Actually,
they are a lot stronger then that.
Those are the known extraordinary advantages. There could be
more but they haven't been spotted yet. All those advantages
weren't planed and where simply just side effects.
There are still vampires today and more then a few but they
are hiding and living in a frugal economic way of life. That
was always the way of life for most of them their entire
history. They think that the world hates them and they don't
have the mental strength and the will power do deal with
such a world.
That world demonstrated several times in history the
capacity to hate the different, from the cruelty of the
Second World War to empires that conquered others "because
they are nothing more then barbarians". With vampires it
would be worse because they won't be considered as
barbarians but as murderers who take their toll, as sadistic
freaks that drain the blood to the last drop and as monsters
that have no link to humans or nature at all. They hide,
they bury themselves in places humans rarely, barely or
never reach and they are terrified.
Try to put yourself in their place. Most of you wouldn't
succeed living with that thought after a while. In fact most
vampires have already committed suicide because they not
only thought of it but lived it every single day of their
existence, a life that doesn't end. Although most have
committed suicide over time, there still quite a sum of
them. In global sense their numbers would seem to be a
handful compare to humans (and basically most of all other
animals on earth), a mere thousands.
Some of you will probably think that although they are low
in numbers they are still faster, stronger, quicker and they
can draw from the humans more to their ranks so why are they
terrified and hiding?
They were once humans. With that notion you should bare in
mind that humans have emotions and even though some humans
deny those emotions, they are still there. Love, hate,
sadness, sorrow, happiness, guilt, blame, joy and many more
if thought a bit longer. The memories from their human life
are still with them. Guilty conscience is the thing that
stops them the most (with most of them). With some it's love
for the human kind for others its hope. Hope that someday it
would all be better. There could be many reasons but they
are all as simple as that. Even though genetically the body
is different their mind is the same. What they act like,
think like, wished and knew were the same things when they
were humans and when they are vampires (at least at start
then it depends on what they learn after, but it's the same
in human life progress so it's not that relevant).
There were however a group of individuals that accepted the
life of being a vampire. When they were humans they tried to
be rich and powerful. When they became vampires, and
adjusted very fast to the new way of life, they realized
that they had all the time in the world to become rich and
powerful. They also realized that they had to keep their
identity as vampires a secret. Today a few of them are
extremely famous and almost all humans heard about them in
their line of occupation. The others are famous in their own
selection of the occupation that they chose.
I hope, and more then that I wish to every single human,
that he wouldn't become a vampire.
Better to die with the thought that you did everything you
could in life then to live with the fact that nobody loves
you and you are all alone with a way of life that doesn't
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.