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New Stage
חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

טום מור
/ A realm of cards

The spades with their shovels are digging six feet down.
the cards have their gifts you see, and gravedigger is now
there titles. 'We dig them deep, and honor the lost, put
coins over their eyes.... and throw them in, the holes
dug, and fill there mouths with soil'. This race has no
place but this you see, which is why they are so morbid...
soiled they are black with the dirt and mud and they've a
habit to talk to the dead, as they're the only ones who'll
And this world is lined the walls with souls that none
dares to intrude, so at the gates the fallen line, to wait
for vacant slots to fill, so they may final be set to

Red with passion the hearts all line up to preach for there
queen, the religious fanaticals to bring religion to the
rest, and punish the unholy and the ignorant through the
fires that shimmer in there eyes. A race that once loved
peace, but now hands are stained red with blood, so many
holly wars have past, and now they've lost there good.

And green would more suits, the diamond's greed, that mines
gold that lines their world. Their realm would dare not be
crossed, as they fear the rest envy their wealth, that it
might be stolen and lost forever. There people starve on
plates of gold, as they wouldn't dare to leave there
treasures behind on a quest for food, and the diamond queen
sends armies out, to take what she needs to survive, the
precious apples and luscious waters that lies on no man's

Deep in the forest, that's always lined black, There-in
the sacred tribe. The club there crest, through many wars
they've lived and dine. They shut themselves off from all
the others, to hunt and prey at night so none may
see. Primal by nature, but there thirst for knowledge is
great. They keep to there old ways, and teach of philosophy
and war, of many things indeed. And for this they are
known, and none cares to pry, too great a price it would be
to tread in ancient lands.

And now the cards are all lain out from the deck, so in
detail now, allow me to show you in where they all
resign, their realm and the magic it hides. The outside
holds the darkness tight; the inner holds the only
light...On one-side lies the graves of spades, witch always
seems to hold rain. And in this place even the dirt is
black from the miseries of the lost. On the other to
enwrap the realm in black, lies the forest of ancient
tongue... It's hills like jagged teeth, and stones like
skulls, to chill the bones, holds tight it's secrets and
keeps any fool from wandering into there own deaths assure.
And from the graves, where it always seems to rain,
down the stream of life across into the unclaimed land in
between...And among this place, from the forest the apple's
trees were sprung that now could feed all that would stand
in need.
And now in the midst of the darkness lies golden light. The
land of gold and diamonds, Where-in there lies many caverns
of mines, like an ant's lair, a mountain of riches but just
the dirt underneath it all. On the surface the children
on streets of gold, but underneath deep in the mines come
the screams of the withered forsaken souls. And in the
of this realm, lies the castle, belonging to the queen of
hearts. And from it outstretches the steeples that still
try to reach the heavens above. But now rotten, the
have become the breeding grounds of hate, now all the
men they flock to become the wraths of god.

And now amidst this realm, boils forth so much hate...Each
race now lusts for something more, and the soldiers all
into line...
The king and queen of the spades, of death itself they
weep...No longer do they desire there morbid sufferings.
the Diamonds now they seek to have all the land there
own, why settle to be only second best. And now the queen
hearts, gone mad, she's lost her faith.... And thinks her
displeasure, is that of god himself...And now she seeks to
soothe, by making all to bow down at her feet. So now the
clubs beat against the drums of war, for it was told in the
stars of what's to come...To prepare for those who seek to
change there ways, and steal the sacred lands away.

Into battle, into battle, the soldiers all in line. Kind
now mad with rage, all have become deranged and this land
will never be pure again.... Hearts race and beat there
breathes into the ground...Spades take there lust for
death, there shovels will dig the world of flesh tonight,
burry all who stand within there paths...The diamonds with
a new gleam in there eyes, for once gold is not the only
color to be hold...The clubs to beat a new history into
shape, with tribal marks they set out to make the ancients
And thunder strikes, as metal sparks, as waters turn to
And when it's over, in ruin this place is to reside, and
rain will forever try wash it clean....

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
נעים מת וקבור
ליד פאדיחה

האגודה לתחיית
משפטי צבא

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 27/8/04 14:57
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טום מור

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