as i sit here
i want to quit here
just give up
cuz it aint worth shit here
everything i do
seems to go to shit
why am i stuck
in this bottomless pit
i feel like shit
why bother lying
im about to quit
because it aint worth trying
to succeed
when i lose everything i need
while off of this anger
and sadness i feed
whatever dont kill
they say makes one stronger
but i cant live this life
any longer
i fck up everything
i say, do or touch
some people say that i worry too much
i worry just enough
a self fulfilling prophecy
thats what they say i am
but they dont know me
so who gives a damn
i say these things
because i know they're true
and to change
theres nothing that i can do
so i keep on keepin on
till the break of dawn
in which will start another day
i should just move on
but everything i do
i seem to do it wrong
it's the way you see things
thats what they all say
but do they know what i live with
each and every day
hell no
they dont know jack shit about me
hell no
they fail to see whats so plain to see
they fail to see
what its like to be me
i may be living free
but its a tradgedy
what is free
when i cant be what i wanna be
i wanna be me
people say im dreaming
that i see things all wrong
but how could i be wrong
for this damn long
life aint easy for those like me
when you cant live in a working class society
when they wont let you be just what you wanna be
when they think your always wrong
for what youve always seen
and if im dreaming isnt that my right
i'll never stop until i win this fight
or die trying
whichever comes first of this
im too pissed
i punch my bedroom wall and break my fist
all these frustrations
with the world around me
every day people try to down me
thinking they're helping
but it aint helped shit
and still right here i continue to sit
and try to figure out just where i went wrong
and i try to vent through this one long song |
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