she was a simple girl.
they thought she was strange.
she began doing stupid things,
just so she can feel belong.
they were pleasd now.
and she,
she was miserable,
but at the same time,
she felt guilty.
she dindnt knew that she belongs now,
to the wrong people,
by the wrong reasons.
one day.
they loked at them;
and saw them like a monsters.
but just a moment,
maybe ther's something wrong with them?
no, it cant be right.
just look at them,
they are so happy.
or, can it be that they pretending?
she understands now.
bus she's doing,
these stupid things again,
little mistakes,
that made her what she is now.
she thinks that its there blame.
now this ones simple girl,
became the social disaster she is.
but they dont care.
they keep on pretending to be blind,
in theit colorfull world.
while she wating her self
by rtying to find the truth,
that dosent seams to be close,
but yet she feels closer then ever,
to the death. |