Foolish wind!
You think of conquering
Like the mountain,
Like the restless sea?!
Yes, thy have conquered men, brought down
Their ships.
Like the helpless, babyish crops
Yet to gain roots to fight
Again -coward!
The defenseless whips
With thorny thistles
Scares infants at night
When screaming out a fright
From your freezing whistles
Foolish, foolish foe of mine,
Trying gain entrance to my room
And so bring your gloom
And yet again consume,
Another mortal mountain.
Here, great conqueror,
Here- a mortal victim
Waiting oh, so helpless...defenseless.
Why cannot come in...?
I come to fight-Limb for limb.
Oh great ship wrecker
Sea conqueror
Children's monster
Mountain's king
Orphan maker-
Here is your pit
Here you trip
And forever fall.
Cold wind waiting at my window
Fool! I am immortally wrapped
In my
Grandmothers shawl! |