Ethereal skies shall be veiled with thy rain,
Crimson and silver enshrouded with darkness.
Enduring grey mountains and lost elven woods,
Shall not bare the defiling of thy ancestral lands.
Blessed fertile lands shall be tainted with death,
All shall be cursed- ashen wastelands, frozen vales...
Forgive us, Great Goddess, hear the mourning of thy saints,
We shall cloak ourselves with thy nocturnal embrace.
Long Foreseen was the day, when thy knights shall be
Great Guardian- heavenly enthroned- Thou shall never
Ominous winds of war shall guard thy majesty,
Storms of great battles shall lament thy sacred lands.
Rival clans shall be united, young brave squires shall be
Loud, deep horns, shall break all oaths,
Nature's wrath shall spread it's golden strands...
Thy burial grounds shall not be trodden,
Mighty spells unleashed, shall not be forgotten.
Forged steel and fury shall unleash our blood emblazing
May our bloodshed be forsaken when our ancients shall
Long Foreseen was the day, when thy knights shall be
Great Guardian- heavenly enthroned- Thou shall never
Forgive us, Great Goddess, hear the prayers of thy saints,
May thy blessing dwell in our hearts, may we witness the
light of a new dawn... |