I hate the fact you close your eyes and think you can't be
I hate the way you shut your heart and wouldn't let me in,
I hate the who you turned to be, I hate the way you've
I hate the fact I'm missing you, despite that wide wide
I hate the way you've turned around, and wouldn't turn
I hate the fact it makes me hate and causes all this pain,
I hate to be alone at nights, finding you're not there,
I hate the way it seems to be as if neither of us care,
I hate the mornings all alone, lying solely on the bed,
I hate to think that we had something, and now it's probably
I hate the memories that surround me, bouncing all the
I hate the fact that no one else can take them off my mind,
I hate it when you're not around and that we never meet,
I hate to think of us as past, that we should just delete.
(Based upon the monologue at the end of the movie "Ten
things i hate about you"). |
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.