Banned, outcast, loner, geek;
Moron, jerk, smart guy, freak;
Until when will it be? This isn't fair.
Why is it happening? Because too much I care?
These names are like a badge, like a second skin,
They follow me everywhere, it's what the glances mean.
I'm not really sure - is it real or not?
Can I be counted as one of the lot?
But this I do know - that's what I feel;
And in matters of heart, that makes it real.
The thing I crave most, I am denied.
Whether for delusion or not, I stand on one side,
While on the other, lies a different land.
But before I continue, I want you to understand:
More than ever, I lay my soul bare;
I bleed to write this, thus I almost don't dare
To show this to someone, lest they start laugh,
Lest they taunt me, shame me to death.
That is the reason, a deep, basic fear -
That because of my advances, all soon will hear.
If not for that fear, I could've been someone better,
I could talk to girls freely, chat, even flatter,
Without that constant fear, that one word too much,
When with growing horror, I could only watch,
As the girl turns all cold, her whole demeanor scorn,
With the look of: 'how could I court her? Bad enough I was
So I must be content with an occasional touch,
A word, a quick smile, small gestures and such.
"So close yet so far", oh how well I understand it,
When always around me, loving couples do sit.
When beauties walk past me, I am torn from inside,
I yearn to be loved; I can't just wait to tide.
On rare occasions, I catch a smile intended to another.
Suddenly I feel warm, complete, as light as a feather,
I get my hopes rising, but then I violently crash.
The girl walks past me, and I crumble to ash.
After each such fall, I try not get too eager,
To spare myself pain, which gets just always bigger.
I wish I'll be able, to find the one,
The one meant for me, my magnificent sun.
But, alas, that wish is far from reality,
And I am shaken from it with so much brutality.
How I want to cry! Demand answer from heaven!
Why am I denied that for which I have striven?
I am the thunder, the lightning at night,
I am the champion, looking for a fight,
But then I remember, the reason, the toll.
But someday, I hope, I will break that wall,
That wall of emotion, the wall made of fear,
And find myself free, watch the fear disappear.
In that dream, where clarity I achieve,
Where I'll finally have the chance to truly live,
I may be able to do what I have never done,
I may be able to find the one . . .
In that magical time, when wishes become real,
In that magical place, where I am allowed to feel,
In that wonderful place, far, so far away,
Where lies the only thing for which I pray,
There lies the thing that is the beauty of our existence,
The one for me, and with her, complete happiness.
השיר הזה, ואחיו (Remorse), נכתבו בתחילה למגירה הפרטית,
אפילו לא לבמה. אחרי מחשבה רבה, ושנה של מחשבה לאחר הכתיבה
בערך :) החלטתי לפרסם אותם. מקווה שהתגברתי על מה שמתואר בהם |
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.