Make love to me as if it could save your country
Taste me like I was your land
Speak your language through me
As if I were still only sand
Inti habibti inti
Take me to where your dreams are personal
Where I can be your only love
Inti habibti inti
Occupy my body with your army
Than let some of me go free
But leave your mother tongue in my heart
So I can never truly flee
Inti habibti inti
You are my love
Take me to where your dreams are personal
Inti habibti inti
Tell me your stories again
This time just for me
There are no more television crews
No one left to report and see
Make love to me like it could save your country
Maybe it will save mine too
I'll speak your language
Let me taste like the land to you
8.12.04 |
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