Her eyes are black,
Black like the darkest night...
& just as perfect...
Symbolize evil,
Pure evil.
Evil that only the mistress of darkness can be,
just like herself.
Her lips are red.
Red like a perfect rose...
Red like she slaughtered thousands of men
In her own bare hands.
Her lips Filled with blood,
Filled with passion, pure evil.
& her body...
So perfect,
So small,
So small, but so deadly...
As small as a dwarf,
But as deadly as a skilled assassin.
Her body is so inviting, tempting
Irresistible, like a nymph...
She slaughtered huge amount of men...
& I wanna be slaughterred by her too...
I wanna be eaten by her,
I wanna be eaten by her, slowly...
I want her to bite my flesh, hard,
I wanna feel her teeth wounding my flesh
Cutting piece,
By piece,
By piece.
I want this pain will never end.
I wanna feel every bite,
Every tooth & every muscle she has.
I want to be in her,
i want to be unite with her.
I want to be unite with her for an eternity.
I just want her...
The impossible to get,
The Devil's Wife. |
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.