Boy you're my one true love
you're on my mind all the time
And when I look at the skies above
I look back at these days and smile.
I want you to realize what you've lost
But I want you to be free
I just want you to be mine the most
I want us, as it used to be.
I want you to take your time
I know you need this break
I want you to be fine
And if you need more time- just take.
I don't think I can love anyone else
Not like I love you right now
Now, my mind is a real mess
Because there's another one.
I feel really weird looking at other boys
Because I'm so used to looking at you
I really want to be yours
I want to hear you say again- I love you.
The bottom line is:
I want you to come back
I want to feel your lips
But most of all- I want my heart to un-break. |