I am just a ghost
that has fallen on your lips
and the walls of my lungs enclose
and no one know's i exist.
the scourge that's plagued us all
has killed millions oh, so quick
the sound of ignorance blinds the proud
and it makes the healthy sick
i scream into their ears
and my silent cries, unheard.
i tap into their fears
and their flaws are all observed
i stab my tongue into their hearts
and whisper petty deathwishes
I smile as they fall apart,
and as they fall in my army, they enlist
the scourge writhes through my veins
my heart blacker than ash
and my saliva strides like venom
far worse than an asp
the sirum that i'm imbued with
will cripple your every joint.
it will leave you in a hollow cist
and your tombstone crumbles at it's strongest point.
My voice has killed many,
my tears have saved all
and my pale hands hold your heart
and my fist will make it fall.
I will destroy your being
and i will leave no trace
because i am what you're seeking
and you know that death, has a face