it's a serious question, why. a rather scary one. i'm really
gonna open myself up by asking it... perhaps i should give
you a little background.
when we first met, i found her very attractive. she was also
very friendly. so was her boyfriend.
some months went by, and we grew rather close. we went to
parties together, enjoyed some movies. sometimes we just sat
at home and did nothing. a while ago it started to
deteriorate. we were slowly but surely growing apart. i
thought maybe i was starting to get between them, and
decided not to press the matter. we have gone from
strangers, to best friends, to friends. a short while ago,
they broke up. i heard about it three days later. i used to
be her best friend, now it takes three days for me to know.
i tried approaching her, but all my hints were ignored. i
have no doubt she knows i want her body. i have no doubt she
knows i'm interested in other parts of her as well. i've
told her myself that i don't want a possesive relationship,
not with anybody, just as she later told me of herself.
tomorrow is the big night. tomorrow we're gonna meet, and
then i'm gonna ask her. not to do anything, but to think,
and to answer me truthfully, to explain to me why i'm not
attractive for her. tomorrow i'm gonna get her to break my
heart just to settle my curiousity. tomorrow i'm gonna get
her to be vicious. |