The Gwragedd Annwn (pronounced "grwageth anoon") are Welsh water faeries,
beautiful Lake Maidens who occasionaly take mortals to be their husbands.
- Quoted from "Fearies" by Briad Froud and Alan Lee
Although Froud and Lee's passages in the book did inspire me to sketch down
what my vision of the Gwragedd Annwn was, I must make a note and say that
my sketch looks nothing like the one presented in the book.
The black markins of the date and the piece's name were added after the
sketch itself was wrapped in a protective layer.
The thing that surrounds the Lake Maiden is supposed to be a boat, but it
didn't come out so well...
Sketched with a B2 and a B6 pencil on a 22.8x15.2 paper.