My world is full with unaccountable amount of thoughts,
In all forms, shapes and sizes,
With imaginary rules that I set to myself,
Carried with them towards somewhere, I guess,
Don't know where to, for sure.
Lying back with one, don't know if to hold myself, or to
keep wandering with her.
There are no borders, no limits,
just a tremendous hall, which leads to
nowhere and everywhere.
Oppurtunities must come. It's the way of life.
The space in my mind is so full, yet,
no crowded,
wants to fulfill his destiny.
Have I gave you enough oppurtunities to
enter my depth? Have I ever?
When? Talk to me.
Enrich me with you and share your world with me. Open my
door and look inside, deep inside. Demand my world and
unlease my reins,..
Fantasia will begin... |