שרה-לי יצחקי / Scarlet |
Scarlet eyes shine once again
In depths of oceans
Underneath your skin
Deeper then your blood
Thicker then your existence
You took the lives of those you loved
And then hated
Your love was always a mysterious one
Sinking your teeth into his heart
Leaving them all breathless
Pulse less
You loved those blood bathes
So miserable and hopeless
To your feet
For you beauty and youth
Mean no barrier
Once again white skin
Met black hair
Your scarlet eyes shine
For me
Before your wicked faith
Gold crosses
Black velvet
Dark kiss
Which seem so right
On a stormy night as this
I'll tie you to your bed
Which we shared in childhood
And from your birth bed
You'll turn numb
Birth and death
All the same
And as you drown
And spine in your misery
I'll take my own life.
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.