There's a murder in every town,
murder in every town,
in every town,
Goes around
and comes around
you should see it coming.
Watch the moon
don't be so blue,
I heard you calling.
Comes again
to steal the dead
it's so dirty.
See the blood
comes down your mouth...
We go down
and the town is up
scream so loudly.
Tatse the blood
and that's a laugh,
she's been so lovely.
Watch the floor
can't take no more
the light are dying.
Wash yourself
take a bath of blood...
Through the door
don't wash the floor,
in the night the stars so bright.
Blonde haired girl,
she wants you so,
take the gun
then you say goodbye...
There's a murder in every town,
silence in every town,
a body on every floor,
murder in every mind...
Don't care when
I heard you say
the night is falling.
There's no end
unless we stay
with this weapon.
Turn around
and see us drown
in this dungeon.
Every town
has somethings to hide...
Tthere's a murder in every town,
there's a victim in every mind!!! |
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.