Passion becomes you
While you become lost,
Surrend'ring thine cherished desires of yore;
Such are the ways (the winds thus doth whisper),
The world's ever been, and shall be evermore.
Silence, ye winds of obreption and guile!
Untangle those feet that were meant to run free!
Harness your burden to this soul no longer,
Bow to her anguish, or answer to me!
...Your hands have been leading through waters uncharted
As time bound our fortunes by watersheds high
I dance to your tune that bewitched me for eons,
I run swift and sure, yet I never come nigh...
The choices are clear as your pure, welling tears,
The mists of woe yielding under my glare,
The path now lies open; I call unto thee -
My heart is true.
Take my hand, if you dare.