The Castle stood on the rock edge of a Houldbee, on the
northern line of Hel.
"Do not turn around", said Garald in quite
"I won't", she tried to smile.
"Where are we?"
..."Yngsteen", he answered quickly, "Solo's citadel".
As Night felt on abandoned grounds of Houldbee, they still
were on their way to Yngsteen.A rain kept falling slowly,
and grey rocks cried with him with a fearful echoes of
thousands souls incaged within the tombs on the otherside of
She stringed her hood and shook her shoulder - those blobs
stinged with a cold.
"Remember", told her Garald, as they finally reached the
gate, "never talk to him, unless he will ask you".
"Respect and truth, thats what is most important here", he
The gate looked much smaller and holdless then she
imagined.Two in black came on them.One was holding a dagger,
wich blade glom a yellow light.
The second got his Sword off his scabbard and asked in
"Who are you and what are you searching for?"
"Garald here", knight came out of the dark
"Special Solo's charge", he beckoned on his right
After a litlle pause soldiers got off the road.
Chapter One.
"Ancient scar
As fringerprint of Terror On his hand
And death, his loveley fellow.."
Demon stood on the very edge of Goband.
Two of his hairy, scarred pawns layed peacefuly on an
inlayed hilt of his long,two-handed sword, which was deepley
stuck in a rock.
He breathed hard, heightening his nostril wide and his
wize wings heaved behind his mighty, wide shoulders.
He looked across dead and burned out plateaues and plains
of Hel.
Once palmy and colorful, now chared and deadly. Anywhere a
signs of thousand batlles.
Gloomy, violated ground. Smithereens of helms and holy
swords layed forgotten, along with gory,
fleeced bones of many eras of brave warriors.
And only him alone, dominated above. Older then a ground
and the sky, contemporary of time itself, Lord of Flies,
He remembered when those Lands still were green and Blooming
and flavor of flowers overflowed his minds.
In a moments like this his insatiable spite was leaving him
and he was recalling from his eternal memory
pictures of himself as a glory angel...
"Never again!" breathed Swinger and a rocks creeped of the
sound of his voice.
Calmeley he spurted his sword out and opened wide his
Huge shadow outshined a moon for a second. Horses in a
stables neighed in daze.
Fathomless fear covered her.
"Garald", she called
"Belzebul.." he appealed to no one.
"Whoom?" she grabbed his hand.
"No one, hold on", she saw him smiling.
"I saw.. no,i felt a shadow landing. What was that?"
"Belzebul. A Demon.. do not ask for more then you should
know for now."
Demon slowley came throught an opened window.
"I am glad to see you, Paladin", he roared respectfuly and
depicted some similarity of a bow.
"Be welcomed, Belzebul!"
A large hall was illuminated by a hundreds of candles, fixed
in an incrustated candelabrums on an endless ceiling.
Huge Window opened behind a Demon was screened by a pair of
ancient Curtains. A parallel wall-all a one gobelen,
describing a scenes of a Final Batlle.
Finally, in the midlle-a large elliptical table, made of a
black beech, incrustated with silver.
A tall human,dressed in a long, grey cloak above an Mifril
armor,girded by a long, simple looking sword
stood right in front of a Demon.
"Be welcomed, Belzebul", a human smiled and beckoned on an
gigantic sizes armchair, apparent to be made right for a
Demons sizes.
"Ragnarock", breathed Demon, "is much closer then i thought.
Sandro is amassing his armies on the south border of Hel".
"I thought Her Magisty has enough power to destroy this
Necromancers..." A human favored in another chair in front
of a
"But the very interesting novelty- (Demon took a deep
breathe) Lucifer came back with a new orders from a Lord.."
"I know", a human smiled.
"Does that mean that also a Light Board knowes?", Belzebul
clenched his Fists.
"Are you suspecting im a traitor, Demon?" He fastened his
glance on a Giant.
"Anyway, you MUST see Her Magisty", roared Belzebul and held
out a small ring.
"When you're ready, let me know." Demon got off his
chair,showing the dialog is over and came to the window.
"Wait.." Paladin rised up and looked in Demons eyes.
"Thank you, Belzebul". He smiled and shooked a Demons hand.
"Rrrrr,strrange human you are, Solo". Some similarity of
smile covered Demons mug.
"Thurisaz!" a window slowly closed.
Paladin came back to his chair and opened his fingers-a very
small granite ring layed on his palm, all crosed by scars.
"Well, now things are getting serious", he told and rested
his hand on a hilt of his sword..
"That will be your room", Garald denoted her a heavy wooden
door in the end of a corridor. "A fresh dresses is on the
bed there.
In a half of hour you'll be given a supper.
Paladin will see you tommorow morning".
"Feel as you are at home", he held out a litlle key.
"Honor is mine", she took it and smiled.
A room was furnish simple and coshy,illuminated by a couple
of red caandles. A low wooden cosh, walls made of grey,
dubbed stones, a small grate in front of a wooden table,
wich was covered by a crystally clean cloth.
She tooked her cloak off and hanged it on an iron grid of a
Behind the next door was a sympathetic bedroom with an low
bed, covered by a warm, purple wrap.
On a dressing table on her right she saw spacious, silk
robe, a belt and a pair of warm,wool socks.
She dressed slowley and as a white robe finally covered her
body, she felt on a bad. Felt asleep..
She woke up because of light knocking on a door.
Knock- knock- knocky.
"Come in", she sat down on a edge of a bed.
"Good Morning, desciple". A Young woman, dressed in grey
opened a curtains.
"Morning?" What time is it now?
"No times here, smiled woman in grey. Forget about time or
clocks. Just a morning, thats it".
"Oh, im in total breakdown", she gaped.
"Oh, sorry, i forgot to introduce myself", said loyaly a
woman in grey.
"Joya", She held her hand.
"Alice, smiled a "disciple".
"Your breakfast is waiting. Garald will bring you your Armor
"Armor?", Alice looked open eyed.
"Sure! Armor, shield and spear. Thats your first day of
training today".
"But.. Garald told me nothing about that!"
"Look", Joya sitted on her knees next to her.
"Look, forget about where did you came from, forget about
who you were".
She stood up and rised her hand up.
"There are only two sides here. Light and shadow, Black and
White and you have to choose wich side you're with.
"And you DO have to fight. Ragnarock is much closer then we
thought. Solo said that tonight. Hone your swords, warriors,
resumeed with honor".
"Whaaat is much closer?", Young woman looked confused.
"Ragnarock", Joya calmed down, "A final batlle..oh, gods,
apologies, only your second day here", now it was her turn
to get confused.
She went towards the door,
"There is only one man who can give you all the answers".
"Whom? What answers? Wait! ", but Joya already closed the
Sun fluently was swiming out and a long dark shadows were
hardly falling on a ground.
Mountain of Houldbee was slowley diving into the night.
Faint breezy breath of sea blowed on their faces and played
with their hair.
Paladin, immersed in his thought stood on the edge of
lightborder, hanged on his sword. Litlle after him stood
"Knight", called Solo," a woman you brought to Yngsteen
yesturday night".
"She is allright, my Lord.Solmyr's training her himself,
"But she has many questions you didnt recieve any permission
to give an answers".
"Yes, my Lord.And i feel that it is unfair to her.I am
sorry, my Lord".
"Bring her here" after a long pause told Paladin.
"Sure,my Lord, but..."
"She is going with me" Resumeed Solo, - "I know someone who
will give her all the answers she need."