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he sat down in front of the computer. talking to his friend
on the phone. they were talking about the girls he likes. he
knew she was stupid and vain, but she's popular. she looks
good. it's not like he's gonna marry her. besides, the group
wanted them to be together. he was tired, so they ended the
call. "see you tomorrow dude" he said, "yeah.. good
he took off to bed. when he's in bed he always thinks about
milions of things. no matter what he tought about, it always
ended up in - what am i doing?
he was a misfit. he knew it, but no one else knew. he
thought about that group of those computer geeks. he tought
how fun it would be to hang out with them. he loves
but than again "hey, i'm popular! it was a hard way to go.
i'm not giving up on it now".
and than he tought about that girl, the weird girl. she was
always alone with headphones on her ears. she always looked
at him. he knew - he knew she likes him. but his group was
mean to her, so he was mean too. he didn't wanted to.
but what could he do?
he tought about her face. they were beautiful. she looks so
mystrious. so interesting. he wonders what she's like. he
swore to himself he'll talk to her someday. when his group
is not around. he wanted to meet her. he's calm now. he fell
when he woke up, she didn't leave his mind. he said "today,
i'll talk to her! i don't care about the group!"
he came to school, he didn't see her so he came straight to
class. sat with the group on the tables in his class. their
teacher was late. when she came, after 15 minutes, she
looked worried. she cried. she told them she's got bad news.
sad news. she said that one the class's pupils is dead.
someone died. everyone were shocked. they were a few pupils
missing, so no one knew who it was. she couldn't speak, the
teacher. but he... he knew. his heart stopped beating.
everything froze. suddenly he felt a tear on his cheek. he
couldn't stop it from coming. everything went black.
"so what about you? you haven't said a word all day!"
" it's because of that weird girl. you know she liked him!"
"i bet she killed herself just to get the attention she
needed. i hate those people."
he saw colors. then he saw it clearly. the group. sitting.
"so you finally woke up?"
"what? oh yeah. i'm just in a little bit of a shock" he
"yeah well we could see it coming. anyway, wer'e going to
the movies today?"
"you mean it didn't affect you? at all?" he asked angrily.
"who cares about that weirdo? she was a dead girl walking
anyway. she's probably better now that she's with satan"
everyone laughed. he was so angry.
"shut up!!" he screamed, and punched his friend.
"wow, calm down! what are doing??"
"you don't know her!!! you don't know anything!!! stop
he's eyes full of tears. he ran away. no one knew where. no
one still doesn't know where. they never heard from him ever
since. he disappeard. no, he wasn't kiddnapped. no one
killed him. they found his body. it was in the lake.
everyone thoght someone killed him. no one knew the truth.
it's been 6 months.
same street. there's someone new in the group to replace
him. "so... wer'e going to the movies tonight?"

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נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
בבמה מאז 22/11/03 11:33
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
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אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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