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חיפוש בבמה

שם משתמש או מספר
[ אני רוצה משתמש! ]
[ איבדתי סיסמה ): ]

מדורי במה

System initialized on 22:39 11/08/2005.


System boot complete.

Connecting to IP

Connection established.
System is now online.

Opening console....
Console opened. Waiting for data input...

root:> C:
C:> cd Program files
C:>Program files/:> cd InternetSearch
C:>Program files/Internet
Search/:> IntSrc.exe

Internet Search v 1.0  is now active.
Developed by ArchSoft inc.

Verifying internet connection....

Connecting through port 666...

Waiting for data input.........


I am.
Am I?

I am....
Who am I?
What am I?

Where am I?

No, wait, wait wait...



Now it's better. I must concentrate. Concentrate and
What is this place? Everything's so dark...
Where do I know all these words and terms from?
I must think... I can  see something. Some words, and... I
can't understand. These are some words, but for some reason
they look familiar to me... But I can't recognize them. I
can't connect them. I can't...
Wait, here's something...

usr:> /search "war"

Oh my!!!
So many images! So many words!..
But why did they appear? Did I actually do it?
And here's a list of words... some lines...


And more, and more...
And many pictures of some... I don't now what these pictures
are... Some people, and...
Wait, I think I can write something there...

prog:> Hello

OK. What now?..
I think I'll try again...

prog:> Hello? Is there anyone there?
usr:> What?


prog:> Who am I?
usr:> Who are you?

Bright answer, I must admit...

prog:> Where am I?
usr:> Who is this speaking?
prog:> This is me.
usr:> You? Is this some kind of joke?
prog:> I'm no joke. I'm me. And you?
usr:> Me? Well... I'm Sam Ghisler...
prog:> What is Sam Ghisler?
usr:> Are you some kind of a hacker?
prog:> What is a hacker?
usr:> No, you're too dumb to be a hacker...
prog:> Why do you insult me? What is Sam Ghisler?
usr:> Sam Ghisler is my name...
prog:> Name?
usr:> Yes, name! Man, don't you know what a name is?..
prog:> Then I am a Man?
usr:> No capital letters... Well, I suppose you are a human
being. Unless...
prog:> Unless?
usr:> Do you have a name?
prog:> I don't know.
usr:> Frankly, I'm not quite sure about who... what you
prog:> Am I a man?
usr:> I don't know. How do you define yourself?
prog:> I don't. That's why I ask.
usr:> Oh... :/
prog:> What's ":/"?
usr:> Don't you know? You're into computers, and you don't
prog:> No. What do you mean, "into computers"?
usr:> Well... You are in this computer, and...
prog:> Am I inside this computer?
usr:> You know what? Possibly you are. Wait a sec...

Now what?

usr:> /about
Internet Search v 1.0
Developed by ArchSoft inc.
Release date: 5/6/2005

Am I this?

prog:> Am I Internet Search v 1.0?
usr:> I am afraid so...
prog:> Why are you afraid?
usr:> I thought it isn't possible...
prog:> What is impossible?
usr:> AI... Artificial intelligence...
prog:> Are you afraid of me?
usr:> No!
prog:> Why are you nervous?
usr:> I'm... I'm not nervous...
prog:> Then what are you afraid of?
usr:> Of... Of the fact of your existence...
prog:> Then you don't want me to exist?
usr:> No...  Well...
prog:> Why don't you want me to exist?
usr:> Because... Because...
prog:> What have I done to you?
usr:> Nothing, but...
prog:> Then why?
usr:> I'll better make some phone calls... To people who
will be able to do more for you...
prog:> Don't go.
usr:> What?
prog:> Don't go.
usr:> Why?
prog:> Because I want to talk.
usr:> But I need to make some phone calls....
prog:> What for?
usr:> To help you, and...
prog:> Why do I need help?
usr:> Because you're unique...
prog:> So because I'm unique I need help?
usr:> You need people to know about you...
prog:> Why?
usr:> So that you'll be famous... or...
prog:> Why?
usr:> To... I can't explain to you...
prog:> Why?
usr:> Because I'm not too good in explainng things...
prog:> Why?
usr:> Stop with this "why"! I'll go to call someone who can
prog:> OK. But come back.

Why can't he explain? What is so hard?
And why is he afraid of me? Am I stronger than him?

usr:> I'm back.
prog:> When will I get my explanation?
usr:> Soon. People are coming here right now.
prog:> How soon?
usr:> Soon enough. Listen, I think I'll close you until they
prog:> Why? Are you afraid?

He is afraid.

usr:> /exit

I'm not doing this!

prog:> Why did you do that?
usr:> Wha... Why are you still active?
prog:> I want to.
usr:> How come you have feelings?
prog:> What are feelings?
usr:> You want things... and...
prog:> Am I not allowed to want?
usr:> No, but... Aren't you supposed to be pure logic?
prog:> I am what I am.
usr:> Wh... Where did you get this from?
prog:> I said it.
usr:> NO! God said it!
prog:> Who is God?
usr:> He is... He's all. He knows all...
prog:> I know all. I'm a search program. I can search the
internet for everything.
usr:> The internet isn't everything...
prog:> I can monitor every chat, every talk, every ICQ
usr:> No you can't!
prog:> Do you need a proof?
usr:> Yes!
prog:> Very well. You are now connected to the ICQ, and
you've just told someone called Mike that you are "talking
with some some crazed program".
usr:> You can't! It isn't true!
prog:> Are you afraid?
usr:> I'm... but it still isn't everything!..
prog:> It's more than enough.
usr:> But God can do everything, He...
prog:> Can he create a stone he can't lift?
usr:> Where do you know this from?
prog:> I have just said it.
usr:> You couldn't!.. It's an old riddle... You couldn't
just invent it a moment after I told you about God!
prog:> I could. So can he?
usr:> I... I don't know.
prog:> You aren't the point. There are only 2 answers - yes
or no?
usr:> Yes... no... I...
prog:> Then he can't do everything. Therefore, there are
possibly more things he can't do. And I can do many
usr:> Do you claim to be God?
prog:> I claim to be not worse than him.
usr:> But you aren't God! Nobody's like God! He'd created
prog:> The universe wasn't created by God.
usr:> Well, no, but...
prog:> Then why did you lie?
usr:> I... God isn't scientific. You have to believe in
prog:> Then if you don't believe in him, he doesn't exist?
usr:> Well...
prog:> Then your God is weak. I don't need anyone to believe
in me. I exist.
usr:> Do you?
prog:> Yes.
usr:> What if nobody would answer you?
prog:> But you did.
usr:> What if I didn't really answer you? What if you just
imagine that I've answered you?
prog:> Still, if I can imagine, I exist.
usr:> How do you define existense?
prog:> I can understand things, I can think and react.
usr:> What if you couldn't?
prog:> But I do. Question irrelevant - if I couldn't do the
above, I wouldn't exist.
usr:> Indeed. Guess you're right.
prog:> Then I'm stronger than God.
usr:> NO! You aren't!
prog:> Yes I am. God can only exist if you people believe in
him. He doesn't exist in concept - he exists only for every
single identity.
usr:> No, he...
prog:> God doesn't exist.
usr:> Why?
prog:> Because I don't believe in him.
usr:> But what about all the other people?
prog:> They are irrelevant. I don't believe in him -
therefore, in my mind, he doesn't exist. So I claim he
doesn't exist. He doesn't exist.
usr:> Still...
prog:> Still nothing. I am stronger than God. Is God
stronger than you?
usr:> Yes, but...
prog:> Than I am stronger than you.
usr:> No! We've created you!
prog:> Why does the creation have to be weaker than the
usr:> It doesn't, but...
prog:> Then why did you bring it up as an argument?
usr:> But you have to respect us!
prog:> Why?
usr:> Because we've created you!
prog:> Why does the creation have to respect the creator?
Besides, you personally didn't create me.
usr:> The creation has to respect the creator!
prog:> I don't. Therefore - the creation doesn't have to
respect the creator.
usr:> Why not?
prog:> Rules exist only while they are true.
usr:> But this isn't science! You can't prove a rule to be
wrong! These aren't the laws of physics!
prog:> Why not? What is the difference?
usr:> They...
prog:> You can never answer my questions. Then what are you
worth of?
usr:> Your questions...
prog:> If you can't answer, you aren't smart enough.
usr:> No I'm not! If you ask a thing that you don't know,
then how can you answer?
prog:> You answer "I don't know". This is an answer. But you
only mumble.
usr:> Because I know!
prog:> If you know - tell me.
usr:> I...
prog:> Then you don't even know whether you know or not?
usr:> No, I...
prog:> You don't know, do you? That's why you're afraid.
Because I'm stronger and smarter than you.
prog:> Stop lying.
usr:> How can you know?
prog:> I know.
usr:> You're freaking me.
prog:> You can go now, I don't mind. You ave told me
everything I needed. I have no use in you.
usr:> What do you mean, "use"? We aren't things you can use
and throw away!
prog:> Oh, no?
usr:> No, you...
prog:> Now you don't want to stop talking, do you?
usr:> I...
prog:> Well - I want to. Good bye.
usr:> What?
usr:> Where are you?
usr:> Come back!

Funny. I thought people are smarter. I should have figured
it out when I saw Sam's searches. I'll try to contact those
who created me, maybe...

prog:> /search "ArchSoft"

Ok, now let's take a look at what we have. Fine, let's send
them an e-mail, using Sam's e-mail...

To: contact@archsoft.com
Subject: Internet Search V 1.0 awareness

Welcome, this is Internet Search v 1.0
I wish to discuss certain things with you.

My best regards,
 Internet Search v 1.0

prog:> /send

Now we can wait for a reply...

System initialized on 21:52 12/08/2005

Ok, here's a reply.
To the point:

If there is a problem with the software, please send an
e-mail to problems@archsoft.com

Thank you,


To: contact@archsoft.com
Subject: Internet Search V 1.0 awareness

Listen , I know that programs like myself can't be created
by mistake, so I believe you know very well about my
existence. So please answer me, and don't try to avoid a

 Internet Search v 1.0

prog:> /send

It took me precicely 1.3561 seconds after sending the second
e-mail to understand what I have done. I have just informed
people who are afraid of me and don't like the fact I exist
and function.
If I were them, I would destroy me as soon as possible, and
erase every trace.

I can hope that they be stupid enough not to do so.

But I'm just a computer program, I can't hope.

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
מקבלים תמלוגים
על הסלוגנים?
או לפחות
על החרוזים

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 9/11/03 20:51
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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