Pete was sitting in his mouth, partially concealed by the
shadows of his teeth, smirking with apparent amusement.
After quite a few moments, and then another series of
moments, Billy finally gathered his thoughts and asked a
"Why what?" answered Pete who wasn't even trying to hide how
pleased he was with himself or how displeased he was with
Billy's partial exit from the stage of shock.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"I needed a scapegoat" retorted Pete matter-of-factly "
don't you find it funny?"
"No", declared a momentarily decisive Billy Bob
At that Pete contemplated his former godly title but swiftly
shrugged it away. A long silence followed. "Oh well, um."
stammered Pete who was beginning to get bored again ".have
a nice stay, I'd show you around but I don't feel like it,
"Wait!" shouted Billy
"What will I do here?"
"You will function as the god of scapegoats of course"
"And how will I go about that?"
"well that's hardly any of my business now is it?" said Pete
and stood up, as if to leave.
"WAIT!" shouted Billy with a growing sense of frustration.
"what now?"
Deciding that he wouldn't get any useful information from
Pete, Billy aimed for a less important issue in hopes of
getting some minor substitute to an answer "Is there
anything to do here? where are all the gods?"
"Most of them are in a hangover, it all started when. wait,
I don't need to tell you this, you want to learn? Go find a
library, I'm off!" Pete was standing up, apparently trying
to exit undisturbed.
"how do I find a library? How do I find anything here?"
disturbed Billy.
"Oh just think of it and start walking" and with that Pete's
sculpture's mouth closed around Pete momentarily and then
opened to reveal a visibly anxious "king of the gods".
"The damned thing never works!" he grumbled and disappeared
in a puff of dust which attempted to presume the qualities
of smoke. After the encounter with the hardly-mighty "king
of the gods" Billy sat down and, for the first time,
actually considered what had happened to him in the last
half an hour. After almost four hours and twice as many
nervous breakdowns Billy had finally calmed down and reached
a wobbly form of serenity.
Billy walked in circles for a while, thinking of a library,
but nothing happened. He closed his eyes so he could
concentrate fully on imagining the library and before very
long something very solid knocked him of his feet as he
bumped in to it. "it" was a sign saying "to the library" and
pointing towards a castle-shaped structure.
It shined magnificently with dullness, the library that is,
and from a distance it was so brilliantly boring and
uninteresting that it prevented anyone, no matter how
determined from getting closer than a hundred meters to it.
The radiating boredom was so effective that no soul, or
entity for that matter, had ventured towards the mighty
doors of the library for so long that no one bothered to
keep count. Not even the god of irrelevant issues who lost
track, after the first ten million years and went to join
the other gods at the current party (the gods invited him
out of pity). Billy walked towards the main door and got so
near that if the god of irrelevant issues were there he
would maybe lift an eyebrow, which wasn't much but still
relatively good for someone who was a mortal up to several
hours ago. Usually many tiny voices in Billy's head would
scream at him to stay away from such a place or to avoid
other acts of danger and or stupidity. But the voices in
Billy's head (he named them quelps some ten years ago) were
easily thrown off balance from collisions such as the one
which just transpired and so they couldn't fulfill their
function (they frequently do this) as Billy reached for the
library's doors.
Upon entering the library's lobby, Billy found himself in a
large room. All manner of things inside the room, from walls
to paintings to breath-mints, were expensively imbued in
monotone shade of baize, all but an ominously black desk and
a green apple tree. Behind this desk sat a woman with a
rather unconventional number of upper body limbs, four that
is to say. Two arms, each one emerging from the left or
right rib section, were busy typing on a baize keyboard
(connected to a baize monitor). Another set of arms, which
were in fact conventionally located, were deftly lifting two
teabags in and out of two teacups in a continuous pattern
which gave the impression of timelessness. She possessed an
oval face with a pointy chin protruding' and thus breaking
the symmetric circle. From this fleshy outline emerged a
pair of brown eyes, portraying a disturbing countenance of
vexation mixed with an undecipherable yet menacing look in
her eyes.
"Welcome" said the woman.
" Hello" Billy's voice quavered as it does on frequent
occasions, "are you the librarian?"
"No!" she exclaimed with more than a hint of frustration
visible upon her face "I am, Zucchini, the.".
"Zucchini?" uttered Billy who was red in the face and
trembling with efforts to detain his laughter at the
dangerous looking goddesses' name. But alas, Billy never did
excel in self control and within a heartbeat he burst in
laughter. Amidst chuckles Billy stated "whoever gave you
that name must have truly hat." abruptly Billy felt a
stabbing pain between his eyes as a wood-bound book struck
him in a tremendously unpleasant manner. After overcoming
the pain (he was quite used to such actions) Billy looked at
the book, which was now at his feet, and read the title
"1001 tips on tact"
"Ahem!" Remarked the librarian to withdraw Billy's
attention from the now unthreatening book " as I began
telling you, I am, Zucchini, the mighty goddess of
"If you're not the librarian why are you here?"
asked Billy in a futile attempt to ignore the projected
enmity he was receiving.
"Because I am in charge of maintaining the books and the
"So you function as a librarian?"
"Yes" She admitted grudgingly.
"And is their any difference between the two?" asked Billy
as he glimpsed at the book title once more.
"Certainly, If I was a mere librarian I couldn't shoot
lightning bolts at annoying little gods who ask annoying
little questions"
"Is that a hint?"
"I prefer to look at it as a death threat".
At this moment Billy decided that a change of subject was
crucially needed to maintain his existence "So. it must be
very interesting to be the goddess of knowledge."
"Oh it has it's moments, mainly because I get to distribute
knowledge to the human race in any form and quantity I wish,
for instance.". The librarian continued talking about
herself, having been temporarily distracted from her
animosity towards Billy. Long ago Billy had discovered that
by giving people an opening to talk about themselves
praisingly one could evoke a major decrease in ones chances
of being beaten to a bloody pulp. Meanwhile Billy thought of
this girl he rather liked back on earth. Her name was
Alexis, and Billy started developing optimistic views about
how his being a god might improve the chance of her speaking
to him. It was just as a fantastical picture of him riding
to Alexis' door on a gold-mane griffin and proclaiming
himself as a god was being painted in Billy's mind, when
another book hit him in the face, this one was called "1001
tips on manners". After a quick scan of the unofficial
librarian's face Billy could tell she was not at all pleased
from his lack of attention.
"So" Billy started, hoping to get away from Zucchini as
soon as possible "Can I get into the library now?"
"But of course." she said but her voice revealed there was
more to it than that, ".if you can defeat me in battle!" .
At this a very painful-looking set of four clubs appeared
in each of her hands as she went over her desk and swiftly
advanced towards Billy, a soundless snarl distorting her
visage. Not many hours later Billy was sprawled on the floor
in an arguable state of consciousness.
"Alright you can get in the library now". Said the librarian
who was now back at her desk and typing in idle vigor. She
discharged a hand from the keyboard and gestured to a door
as she spoke.
"But I didn't defeat you" exclaimed Billy (the quelps were
still shaken from the recent pounding).
"I know that," she began "to tell you the truth you didn't
have to, I just needed to take out my anger at your breaking
through my boredom defense mechanism, and besides you are
the god of scapegoats. That's enough justification by
Resolving that meekness was the best way to go about this
situation Billy kept silent and headed for the door the
librarian pointed at.
Upon entering the library Billy fell into an immediate
state of shock, yet it was a good kind of shock, it was the
kind of shock received when a certain someone finds that
three digits have accidentally been added to his paycheck on
the left side of the decimal point.
Billy's most optimistic expectation had been to walk into a
room colored in a slightly less annoying shade of baize,
however, he was now facing an unthinkably vast plain of
grass with no wall or ceiling in sight. Library bookshelves,
complete and loaded with books, which stood sustained in mid
air by an unseen force were spangled in an unsymmetrical
manner across the plain. Moreover, a small stream
accompanied by a handful of green apple trees seemed to be
present, wherever Billy looked. Thus Billy began reading. He
read quite a large amount of books, in fact he read every
book he could find, and spent several decades doing so.
Unfortunately, as Billy discovered in the last book he read,
the library was heavily censored by Zucchini, who made sure
that almost nothing attained there would be useful. On the
other hand, it appears that time does not relent to move too
fast (or at all) in the library, as one of the many books
disclosed to Billy mentioned, so any visit to it would take
approximately three seconds.
כמו בחלק הראשון, זה לא הסוף, זה סוף פיסקה |
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.