I broke up from my last boyfriend just three days ago
He was nothing compared to you
He did touch my hair like you did
He didn't move his fingers over my lips for hours, like you
So I went to that street that I met you on
I looked for you
You may be six feet under, but everytime I come to that
street I'll look for that smiling face, grinning, like, to
the people
That blonde hair I learned to love
And those brown eyes I loved from the first time I saw
One of the boys stands just the same way you did
Blonde hair, blue eyes, rich lips and experienced hands
In to me
In to him
Hands on sweaty bodies
The sounds remind me of you. He didnt cost me a lot
But he didnt remind me of you
Not enough
None of them do
I miss you
you |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.