Through all of the pain,
One thing still remain,
For us to stay sane.
There is yet what to gain.
Through the forge of life,
Toward peace we should strife,
So that never a knife
Shall find an innocent wife.
One sorrowful cry,
One that rings high,
Why don't we all die?
To live shall we try?
As an animal in a cage,
We know nothing but rage.
Can one start a change?
It's yes, I'll wage.
To hurt we do tend,
Never try we to mend.
Will it help if we bend?
We must delay the end.
If we want to survive the fight,
We mustn't surrender to fright,
This way we'll make it past the night,
Into the warming rays of sunlight.
A warrior ready with his blade,
Drawn from a scabbard jade,
Stands before a lofty raid,
But note that he is not afraid.
That which helps us through times dire,
That which keeps our inner fire,
The element that guards us from tire,
Hope, a noble quality to admire.
Through ordeals worse than hell,
Through trials you can't even tell,
Hope is like a soothing spell,
All fears and anguish it can quell.
But hope is merely an extension,
Of the Spirit, of its passion.
Some say it is simply a delusion,
But you cannot deny the elation.
We have a great ability,
And believe me, it's reality,
Surviving through insanity
Achieving that special quality.
There are those who worship logic,
Those who arrogantly deny magic.
What is the soul, then? A trick?
Or perhaps it is nature's cruel streak?
Many people, both low and high,
In times of danger, turn to the sky,
But what is so special, what does it imply?
It's the strength of belief, one you cannot deny.
Strong as a tree, the heart is unbreakable,
Limitless as the ocean, the spirit is unshakable,
But as the examples, they are vulnerable.
One must relax, and acknowledge the visible.
In the passage of life, a person's true test,
The thing most difficult, the ultimate quest,
This challenge awaits at Life's crest,
When a person's goal is his fears to best.
I ask you all now, do tell me this:
In what you have read, is there something amiss?
Please try to see, don't respond with a hiss,
Understand the meaning, and achieve inner peace. |