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New Stage
חיפוש בבמה

שם משתמש או מספר
[ אני רוצה משתמש! ]
[ איבדתי סיסמה ): ]

מדורי במה

Fade In

EXT. Santa Monica pier - night.
Camera flashes the frame. A person is taking a picture of a
couple on a date.
Stanley walks toward the man.

         Thank you very much.
Stan gives a dollar and a smile to the person. He then
continues his walk with Natalie. Stan is a 20 + years old,
an okay looking kind of a guy. He is nerves at times and is
not very confident. Natalie walks beside him. She's in her
20's and looks like a fun girl that likes to laugh and is
very confident about her self. (The credits are showing
while they stroll along the pier). They are both looking at
the picture.


. The couple is walking around.
. Stan buys Natalie a flower.
. The couple is eating dinner.
. They walk around during the day (second date).

EXT. Natalie's Apt - night.
End of the third date. Stan escorts her to the front door.
Natalie turns to him.
         I really had a nice time with you Natalie.
        Yeah, me too.
        Well we should do this again sometime.
        Sure, why not.
        Well... Goodnight...
Stan bends over to kiss her. Natalie hesitates a bit but
then decides to kiss him back. They back off from the kiss;
Stan shows a big smile while Natalie shows a small fake
        Well I think I should go in now.
        Oh, of course. Well have a goodnight.
(With a smirk on her face)
        You already said that.
        Oh right... well sweet dreams.
        You too Stan.
Natalie enters her apt.

INT. Natalie's apt - night.
Natalie is watching TV when suddenly the phone rings.
        Hi Natalie It's Stan.
        Oh, hi Stan how are you doing?
        I'm fine, how are you? Is this a bad time?
        No, I'm just watching TV.
        So... You feel like doing something later?
        Well I'm kind of tired today Stan.
        Sure... maybe you want to do
        something over the weekend?
        Well I think I'm going to be busy,
        cause I have a lot of work to do.
        oh... well... okay so maybe I'll give
        you a call next week. Anyway I got to
        go right now, so you have a pleasant evening.
        You too Stanley, thanks for calling... bye.
INT. Natalie's office - morning.
Natalie sits at her desk clicking on the keyboard. Her
secretary Jill enters. Jill is a free spirited, easy going,
fun loving, in my 20's kind of girl.
        There's a Stanley on the phone for you.
        Tell him I'm not here.
Jill Closes the door. Natalie looks disturbed from the fact
that Stan called her at work. 5 seconds later Jill enters
        Who was that guy?
        He's just a guy I dated a few times.
        And to whom I didn't give my work number.
        How do you suppose he got it?
        I don't know.
        Anyway, he sounds kind of cute.
        He's okay, I don't know, It's just that
        the chemistry wasn't there.
        So why is he still calling?
        That's a good question.
Natalie shows a troubled face and then gets back to work on
the computer.
(Looking confused)
Jill leaves the room.
INT. Natalie's office - mid day.
Jill is going through some papers on her desk; a delivery
guy arrives with flowers.
        I have flowers here for a Natalie.
        Flowers?! Okay, I'll take care of it.
Jill grabs the flowers and enters the office. She walks
toward Natalie while reading the card.
        "I had a really nice time with you,
        hope to do it again some time"
        oh, a secret admirer?
        Oh no. Don't tell me it's from Stan.
        Well it's not signed, but who else can it be.
        Yeah, you're right.
        Why don't you just tell him off?
        Well now I'm starting to think I should.
         It's obvious I wasn't clear enough.
Natalie leans back with a disturbed face, Jill leaves the

INT. Natalie's Apt - night.
Sound of keys trying to open the door. Natalie enters her
apt, she checks her machine for messages and the machine
reads 4 messages. She starts the machine.
        You have four new messages.
(On the machine)
        Hi it's me, just checking if you got
        back, anyway I'll call later, bye.
(Second message)
        Hey Natalie, it's me again.
        I guess you're still not home
        I was wondering if you're doing
        something later. Anyway call me
        when you get back, it's Stan.
           AL'S VIDEO STORE
(Third message)
        Hi this is Al. Did you know
        that you can get a free rental with
        each purchase of any DVD in
        our selection? So drop by and
        see our great collection. We are
        open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
(Fourth message)
        Hi it's Stan, why haven't you
        called me yet?! Anyway just give me a call
        when you get home. Bye.
Messages end. Natalie goes to the fridge and grabs a bottle
of wine.  When she lifts the glass to drink, the phone
suddenly rings. She lets it ring for a while and walks
slowly towards the phone. She picks up the phone.
(Pause, and then a sigh of relief)  
        Oh, hi mom. No, I was just doing
        the dishes... Me? I'm fine, how are you?
        Oh, that's nice...Well listen ma, I just
        got in, can I talk to you later?
        ... sure, bye.
Natalie hangs up the phone. She goes to her bedroom when
suddenly the phone rings again. She goes back to the phone
thinking it's her mother that's calling.
        Hey mom, did you forget to tell
        me something?
        It's me, Stan.
        Oh hi Stan.
        Hey Natalie, why haven't you called me?
        I got in a few minutes ago and I just
        heard your messages. Listen I think we
        need to talk.
        What do you mean?
        This is not working...
        How come? I thought we had a
        good thing together.
        Yeah but I'm having a rough time right
        now at work so I think It's better off
        if we just stayed friends?
        Guess it's your call but I don't think
        we're better off that way.
        Listen Stan I don't really want to talk
        about this right now so...  
        Okay, okay I get the message.
        No it's not that, you're a nice guy...
        sure, sure. Whatever, you have a nice
        night, bye.
Natalie hangs up the phone and then sits on the couch
INT. Natalie's office - Morning.
Natalie is making her way to the office. She enters and
finds flowers on Jill's desk. Jill appears behind the
flowers and greets her.
        Morning Natalie.
        Morning Jill, you got flowers?
        No, actually they're for you.
        I can't believe this.
        Didn't you tell him off?
        Yes I did. Last night.
        What does it say on the card?
        "We're good together, hope you'll
        come around." Signed "You know who"
        I can't believe he sent flowers again.
        I think it's kind of cute.
       What's so cute about it, he's obsessed.
       Maybe he's just trying to win your
       heart back for a second chance.
       Listen I'm going into my office.
       If he calls, tell him I'm not here.
      What about the flowers?
       I don't know, get rid of them!
INT. Natalie's office - mid day.
Natalie sits at her desk working hard on her reports. Jill
       Listen Natalie, it's the sixth time he
       called I'm running out of excuses.
      Well I don't want to talk to him.
      Well I think you should, he's not
      showing any sign of stopping.
      Alright I'll deal with him.
Natalie picks up the phone, beginning to lose her patience.
      Hello, Stanley?
      Hi Natalie. I'm glad I caught you,
      just wondering if you're doing
      anything tonight.
      I told you already, it's over.
      Come on, be a sport. Let's do
(Getting angry)
      I don't feel like doing something.
     Well at least let me stop over.
     We'll watch a movie or something.
     No, Stanley I'm busy and I'll say
     it again, it's over.
     Just give me one more chance.
     You won't regret it.
      I'm hanging up now Stanley.
      No, no don't hang up let's
      talk about this.
      I have work to do bye.
Natalie hangs up on Stan; Jill who overheard comes in the
      Couldn't make it any clearer than that.
Natalie picks her things and goes to lunch.

      Want to grab lunch with me?
EXT. Natalie's apt - Evening.
Natalie on her way to the apt's door, She hears a
screeching sound from behind her. She jumps of fear and
turns around. She then proceed on with opening the door. A
little scared and in a rush, she opens the door, jumps
inside and locks the door behind her with all the locks she
has. She looks over to her machine to see that she has 3 new
messages. She activates the machine while arranging her
(Message 1)
        It's not nice to hang up
        on people like you did.
        I think you owe me an
(Message 2)
       Where are you?!
       I know you're home
       at this hour. You can't fool
       me dear.
Message 3 is just Stan calling again and hangs up without
leaving anything on. Natalie is getting worried about all
those messages, she sits by the phone and drinks a glass of
water. Then the phone starts ringing. Natalie lets the phone
ring for a while, then she just disconnects it. A sudden
knock on the door frightens her. She walks towards the door
unlocking the locks and looking at the pip hole. She can't
see a thing. Slowly she opens the door with the security
chain still on. She leans her head to see who it is. A hand
reaches through the door and grabs Natalie's hand, she
begins to struggle.
        No! Leave me alone!
Natalie shuts the door on the hand. Someone screams of pain.
She locks all the locks and takes another look at the pip
hole. Again she can't see a thing. Somehow the door breaks
loose and opens with only the chain on. A foot appears on
the lower part of the crack and blocks Natalie's attempts to
close the door.
The scene then goes back to Natalie sitting by the phone and
there's a knock at the door. She gets up to answer,
understanding that she just had a day dream. She looks in
the pip hole to see that it's Stan.

        What the hell are you
        doing here Stan?
        Come on Natalie I just
        want  you to hear me out.
She opens the door with the chain still on.
        What do you want?
        Can I come in?
        I don't think so.
       oh come on, let me in.
        I just want to talk.
       Okay, just a second.
She takes the chain off and lets Stan inside.
       Okay just hear me out.
       I don't want to talk about it.
       Yeah but we went out a few
       times, we had fun. I just don't
       get it.
       Yeah, you really don't get it.
       Listen, it was a nice time but  
       I thought it over and decided
       to end it.
       But why?
Stan walks towards her.
       Because I just didn't feel the
       chemistry you felt.

(Leans over to kiss her)
       come on.
Natalie pushes him away from her.

       Just leave me alone!
Stan takes a look at her, disappointed from the rejection.
He walks out and slams the door.

INT. Natalie's office - day.
Natalie talks to Jill about some of the paper work at Jill's
desk, Stan comes down towards them. Natalie spots him and
        Oh my god, what is
        he doing here?
(Lifts her head up)
        Who? (Spots him) Is that...?
Stan approaches the both of them with a stupid grin on his
        Get the hell out of here!
        Why? I brought you something.
Stan shows the hand he's been hiding all along and shows
Natalie the chocolate he bought her. Natalie is losing her
patience while Jill reacts.
        Oh, how cute.
        (To Jill) What cute?! (To Stan) Listen Stan I
        want you out of here. Seriously
        now, I'm calling security.
Natalie goes inside her office to call security.
        Better luck next time cowboy.
        yeah, guess you're right, didn't
        catch the name...    
       What a lovely name.
       I'm Stan pleasure to meet you.
       Like wise.
       Want some chocolate? No point
       of wasting it.
Jill gives Stan a warm welcoming smile.  
Inside Natalie's office, she tries to contact security with
no success. She heads back out to find Jill there by her
        Is he gone?
       You gave him quite the scare.
       Well good. What's up with that smile?
       Say Natalie. You won't mind if
       I go on a date with Stan now
      would you?
      What?! You want to date him?!
      Take him, is all yours, have fun.
      Sure, anything to get him
      off me.
      Well I'll take care of that.
(Smiles again)
      Have a blast dear.


. Natalie can't sleep at night.
. Trying to work but can't concentrate.
. While shopping, she jumps out of her place when some guy
bumps in to her.
. Natalie walks to her office and sees Jill with some
flowers Stan sent her.
INT.  Natalie's apt- night.
Natalie enters her apt. She looks over to the machine to see
zero messages. She seems a bit disappointed.
Time passes. She watches TV. She dozes off hearing all kind
of scary voices, Stan shouting at her. She wakes up with a
scream. She notices that the phone is ringing. She picks it
(In a scary voice)
        Hi Natalie.
        Who is this?
        What's the matter? Don't you
        recognize my voice?
        Stan! What the hell are you
        talking about. Aren't you on
        a date with Jill.
        Jill? What Jill? There's no Jill
        There is only you. You are all
        I want.
        Stop calling me!!
        No! And as soon as I'm done here.
        I'm coming over to have some
        fun with you.
        I'll call the cops!
        What cops? I haven't laid a
        hand on you. Do you really
        think they'll take the time to
        send someone over to guard
        you because you're afraid of
        some guy you dated before?
(Breaking apart)
        Just leave me alone!!
Natalie hangs up the phone, She picks up her cell and starts
dialing Jill's cell number. Jill answers her.
        Jill! You've got to help me.
        Stan just called and he's
        threatening to come over
        and hurt me.
        What are you talking about?
        Stan is here with me at dinner.
        Is he in front of you?
        No, he just went to the restroom.
        You see. He called from
         there. Said he still wants me.
         Believe me Natalie, he is over
         you. He is with me and he's
         having a great time.
         Yeah well ask him if  he
         called me.
         No, I'm not. Because it's
         stupid, you're imagining things.
         Listen, he's coming back to
         the table I got to go.
         No Jill!
Natalie starts crying. She goes to her bedroom, closing all
the lights on the way. She gets into bed trying to forget
all the ordeal and get some sleep.
INT.  Natalie's apt - night.
Natalie is asleep when suddenly loud knocks from the
direction of the door wakes her up. She freezes in her
place, grabbing her blanket closer and tighter. She hears a
voice screams.
        Natalie!! It's my time to play.
(Screaming back)
        Get the hell out of here!!!
        I'm calling the cops.
       Again with the cops?! Don't
       you get it? they won't come.
       Let me in, I'll show you a
       good time. I promise.
       Leave me alone You piece
       of shit! I'm calling 911.
Natalie, while in her bed, dials the emergency number. Mean
time Stan continues to scream. We don't see him in the
scene, he is just a voice coming from behind the door.
Natalie falls to a deep sleep from trying to get the police
on the line unsuccessfully.

EXT. out side Natalie's office - morning.
Natalie sits on a bench and takes a breath of fresh air.
Jill comes from behind her and greets her.
(Jumps out of her place)
        What's up with you?
        Why you have to come from
        behind scaring me like that?
        Would it be less scary if I
        came from this side?
        That's not funny Jill.
        Is everything okay?
        No, everything is not okay.
        I have a stalker and the only
        person who knows about it
        won't believe me.
        What Stalker? Because he made
        a call from the date with me,
        which I still don't believe he did.
        And because he came in the
        middle of the night and started
        banging on my door.
        oh, you're so full of shit.
         I see, because he's going out
         with me now and you don't get
         the attention you're used to get
         you decided to frame him for
         stalking you.      
         Jill you have got to believe me.
         He did come last night. I swear.
         No he didn't!!
         How the hell do you know?
         I just know...
         That's not an answer...
         You want an answer?
         yeah, how can he possibly not
         come last night?
         Because last night we had sex!
         Yes, we slept together.
         So you mean to tell me
         that he got up in the middle
         of the night, after a very
         enjoyable evening. Drove
         all the way from my place to
         your place, started banging on the
         door and then got back in bed
         with me?  
         Listen, I don't know what to
         think anymore. I know what I  
         saw and heard. I better get in
         the office.
Natalie starts walking towards her office. Jill looks over
her with a pondering face of what to do with the situation.

INT. Natalie's office - day.
Natalie, looking troubled in her office, can't concentrate
or get any work done. Jill enters to apologize.

        Listen, I want to apologize, I...
        Forget it Jill it's fine.
        No, it isn't. I really want to
        believe you. But you've got
        to see it from my point of view.
        And you haven't been that stable
        these last few days.
        I know. Jill, just forget it.
        I'll just call the police when
        I get home today and that's
        it. I had enough of this ordeal.
        Well you do what you must.
        Maybe you should first take a look
        at yourself, Natalie you won't see the change
        in you, no one ever does till it happens.
        Plus you don't look so good. Maybe
        you should take off early.
        Maybe...whatever I don't know.  
        Anyway Jill I need to get
        some work done.
        Okay, Well I'll be here if
        you need me... and Natalie..
        It's no shame to admit it.
        Admit what?! Please Jill spare me
        the psychology and just
        leave me alone. Thank you for
        your concern, I'm fine!

INT. Natalie's apt - day.
Stan calls and leaves a message on the machine.
        Hi Natalie. You know I went
        a few times with Jill. She's a nice
        girl. But she's not you.
EXT. Out side Natalie's office - day.
We see Natalie comes out of her office. She looks up at the
sun, and then continues on her way. She decides to take off

INT. Natalie's apt - day.
Natalie gets back from work. The clock is showing 15:30. She
seems very tired. she locks the door and we cut away from
the scene.
EXT. out side Natalie's office - Twilight.
Stan comes running. He seems to be late for picking Jill up
from work.
        Well it's about time. Where the hell
        were you?
        Sorry, got stuck in traffic, you ready?
        Yeah, let's get out of here.

INT. Natalie's room - night.
Natalie wakes up, understanding that she probably dozed off
on her bed. She is still wearing the clothes from work. She
then looks around and sees that her APT is completly
trashed. Shocked of the idea that someone did that while she
was dozed off on her bed, she leaps to find the phone and
call 911.

INT. Stan's apt - night.
Stan and Jill are flirting with each other on the sofa. The
police knocks on the door. Stan gets up to open it.
        Are you Stanley Gibson?
        You are under arrest.
        What's the charge.
        Suspicion of breaking and entering.
(To the cop and Stan)
        What breaking and entering?
(To Jill)
        I have no idea what he's
        talking about.
(To Stan)
        Come with me please.
The police officer takes Stan away. Jill seems shocked of
the charge. Her cell phone rings. She answers the phone.
        Hi Jill.
        Hey Natalie, how are you?
        I'm okay. Have you seen Stan?
        I'm at his place, the police just
        picked him up. What... oh my
        god, he broke into your place?
        Something like that.
        God... I'm so sorry, stay
        there I'll be right over.
INT. Natalie's apt - night.
Natalie looks around the apt. She starts cleaning
everything. She looks around for the phone charger to place
the phone back. She spots it under the table along with the
answering machine.
She picks it up and places it on the table. She checks the
machine. She sees zero new messages. She activates it to
hear if there's anything more.
        You have one old message.
        Hi Natalie. You know I went
        a few times with Jill. She's a nice
        girl. But she's not you.
        I'm just kidding.
        I wanted to apologize for my  
        behavior, I hope we can stay
        friends see you around, bye.
Natalie sees a flashback of what happened earlier when she
came to the apt earlier. We see that the clock is showing
15:30 and there's still daylight behind her. She enters and
checks the machine. The machine shows one new message. She
presses the button and Stan's Message starts again. When he
laughs Natalie starts trashing the place her self not
hearing the rest of the message in which Stan apologizes.
She loses her temper completely and when she starts trashing
her room she knocks her self out by bumping her head with a
End of flash back.
We see Natalie sited on her sofa, she seems shocked to the
instant memory that jumped to her head. She can't understand
how she would forget a thing like that. After a few seconds
of her pondering, Jill storms in.
        Hey, are you okay?
She sees Natalie crying on the sofa, she goes to hug her and
support her.
        Natalie I'm so sorry. I had
        no clue. I'm such a bitch. How
        could I not believe you. So it
        was all true. That son of a bitch. The
        call from the restaurant, the knocking
        in the middle of the night. I can't believe
        he did that. That twisted freak.
Jill and Natalie are still hugging each other. Natalie still
haven't said a word since Jill entered. We see her crying on
Jill's shoulder as she tries to figure out, what was true
and what was false from all of the things that she's been
through. She hears Jill's voice echoing in her mind saying
"Maybe you should first take a look at yourself, Natalie you
won't see the change in you, no one ever does till it
happens." and "You're imagining things".
INT. Police station - night.
The bars close on a man's legs. We go up to the face to see
Stan with an innocent expression.

Fade out accompanied by a whisper saying "you won't feel the


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נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
החיים זה כמו
סלוגן - התחכמות

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 16/6/03 15:50
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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