I woke up today
and I still saw that fog
that in many days
stays there all day long
it does not hide the view,
nor hide the sound,
this horrible fog
tries blocking my mind
my thoughts are attacked,
my memories stolen,
by that terrible fog,
which inside me is hidden
I cried for help
really tried to fight
I had that terrible fear
my mind will never be clear
I fought it with all that I got
I lost the war
the fog was still there
Creating more fear mixed with tears
I thought it'll be always like that
But today I've decided
to look in the fog's eyes
I told him I dont care if he leaves or stays
till the day that I'll die
becuase as long as my thoughts can travel
Even one inch at a time
I'll go on and seek for the answers
for the questions that bother my mind
Yes there's no more tears in me
and all the fear is gone
Nothing more can stop me
I will go on |