I never though that rain could be
This heavy these days
It's hard to believe that summer has arrived
In spite the fact that winters chill hasn't died
Why can't we see through the clouds and maybe
Find the truth out there
Why can't we see through our skin and maybe
Find the beast within
It never ends, we discard our friends
Forever more, we never expose the truth behind our lies
Just when you think, you find a wave you can ride
It brakes you, shatters you
So you're exposed nothing but an animal
Live by the instinct
Work by your id, ignore the real
And live in your reality
You can try to run,
But your faith will always wait for you
The burning sun is haunting you
Watching you fall
It never ends, look through the lens
It shows the truth behind their lies
Just when you think you're going to die
They find a way to keep you in your cage
So you're alone
Floating on the strings of faith
You're never sure when it is time to die
When is your lucky day?
Your body plugged
But your soul is traveling the universe
Now it is time
To say goodbye to all your friends
And so it ends, you leave your friends
You've seen the truth, now it is time
Just when you know you're going to die
You realize you want to stay, you cherish life
and so you die |