What? When?/ Put him on/ What did you do?/ What the fuck?/
Who tolled you to?/ Ok, ok.... Shut the fuck up/ Just shut
Fuck, I can't believe it./ Every time I think/ that things
can be great/ he calls me/ and I filled with pure hate.
I want to kill him, man .../ Just stab him on./ Right there
in his stomach,/ right there and turn.
But then he'll die/ and you'll go to jail./ Ruing your own
life,/ and no one will pay your bale.
Yea... well I know, but ..../ What can I do?/ When his brain
twisted/ from all the drugs he took,/ and all the shity
stuff/ he went through?
Look you are here,/ and he is there./ He can't affect you
anymore,/ you are not under his care.
I don't know, see.../ he is my dad,/ even if he is crazy,/
he'll always be inside my head./ I just hope that someday
he'll understand./ But until that day will come,/ I'll turn
in to a crazy mom.
Ho.... god... look at this
my brain turned out to be like his. |