The man with selective memory makes a cup of coffee for
himself and for no other. He selects away a pang of guilt
for not offering for his guests, and erases an image of his
mother, making tea in the kitchen for him as he returns from
school. Which school? Did he ever go to school? This is
unknowable, as it was selected out.
The boy with selective memory runs along the creek, and his
sandal is caught in the roots of the old trees. He stumbles
and falls, and selects away the pain. This is the third time
that he has fallen, but he does not remember this. He will
repeat the mistake again tomorrow.
The angel with selective memory has an Asian fetish, and so
selects away the pleas of Caucasians. Africans, likewise,
wander helpless. They see her soaring across the sky, but
she glimpses them only momentarily, glimpses and forgets, as
she reaches for a Chinese girl's clenched heart.
The author with selective memory writes and rewrites and
rewrites. He mouths the words, but can't recognize them. |