Sitting passed out from frustration,
Frustration that's been pursuing me for a long time.
After continuous wandering of exhausted thoughts.
Exhausted from the misunderstanding of the situation,
and the lack of ability to get used to new situations
that suddenly turned over.
Everything's happening very fast , I'm losing
of everything that's around me.
But in spite of everything, lying in uncertainty that
somehow gives me peace,
maybe beacause there's nothing more to do,
and no more ways to escape.
Ways that I thought for a second would make me settle
within myself,
and will give me peace, a peace of knowing ,
that everything is ok,
and no more dizziness of overflowing thoughts .
Thoughts that are floating me ,maybe for no good reason .
thoughts that're bothering me,and making me drift away,
as far away from YOU.
As far way from my will to defend myself
from what you can do.
Shaken about myself , about my inner sensations,
The one's that you'll never understand and dismiss too
without giving them the significance they deserve.