My Brain is dead...
Can you believe it?
It has been for quite a while now...
But you know... I don't believe in reason, I believe in
And what do I mean by that?
I don't know...
Anyway, you're probably not the educated types, but if you
are then you should probably know I'm right...
You know what the most surprising part of me... I read!
Most people don't read today, even a study by Prof. Ilan
Shwarts from the Weitzman Institution said so... Yeah!
That's right! You need to be a professor to understand
that... Ilan I support you!
So people don't read... And you know why? Of course you do,
you are a well educated professors aren't you?
T.V.! Mrs. Big Fat Television! She's the cause to all that
isn't she? Well you T.V. freaks, computer zombies, half
retarded human beings, what do you have to say for
You like it don't you? You want her to please you! Tell me
the truth... How many hours a day do you spend emptying your
brains in front of the monster-black-box mostly called as
Well whatever is your answer, I don't care! T.V. RULES
YOU!!! You are hunted by the evil spirit of former Ms.
Crouse known better as the women from the pizza
So what is it exactly that you're going to do about it? None
of my business, Or else it involves a witch, a broom stick,
a mouse and a magical potion bought from the corner of some
avenue in Washington D.C.! (Or Haifa for this matter...)
So why am I messing with your head? I don't know... I guess
I'm bored because I don't watch T.V....
But there still a very important lesson for you to learn...
I hate commercials mostly! They killed my brain! Actually it
was the neighbor's cat, but that's all forgiven and
forgotten... (Yeah! Right! I shot that bastard...)
Besides, you shouldn't believe everything they tell you...
But that you probably know... (You are professors,
So my last massage for today is this- Live and let live,
Watch T.V. but not to loud... (It may wake your neighbor's
cat and he will attack you brutally... Why do you think I
stopped watching T.V.?)
And at last- Believe in yourself, your feelings, your love
and not just reason and common sense... (You can be crazy
too sometimes, you know...)
So, that's all for today, See you next time... Goodbye and
have fun watching T.V. (I didn't really expect my article to
affect you, I am realistic at some point...) |