Through her eyes I see the world
As cold and dead as she is
Things are getting blur
I'm drowning in her tears.
Through her ears I hear the world
As quiet as she can be, the world is spinning
Shouting. Louder than my scream of pain
I scream to get out.
Through her nose I smell the world
It stinks. I'd rather not breath at all
To strangle from the lack of air
And not by the world.
Through her mouth I taste the world
As bitter as I am. I spit.
She pukes. And cuts her tongue off.
Through her, I feel the world
So hurtful, just like he was
Just like she learned to be
And as she cuts her eyes, ears and nose,
Puts them together with her tongue, in the shape of a face
I die.
She bleeds to death. But she can't feel a thing anymore
Cause she cut me too.
And I lie dead on the carpet next to her
In the shape of a face
Still smiling. |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.