Part one; "Life is a form of suicide"
I was standing in the middle of the room, all eyes upon me.
I could feel the gloomy gazes piercing my flesh with extreme
soreness which only increased with the cold night breeze
which slept through the crack in the window.
They looked upon me as if I were some criminal, as if I was
born but to provide them with pleasure and amusement.. I do
not understand their way of thinking sometimes, I refuse to
believe someone would set their life's goal to making
another being miserable.
Unfortunately enough for me, it seemed to be the only
logical explanation with this man. "Ten lashes at sunrise,
now go to your room Midred, and may it be the case and I
catch you again.. Oh what sour fate you shall have my dear",
said Mr. Hetry with a spark of compassion which soon turned
into sarcasm in his eyes, especially at the end of his
deeply touching dialogue.
I awoke in the middle of the night. I looked upon the
sleeping beauty at my side, she looked so peacefull, yet
something in her eyes was wrong.. Ah yes, I believe it was
her best friend who was to recieve ten lashes with sunrise..
Well no! No I say and no it shall be, I will not tolerate
this any longer! Not if it's such petty issues they wish to
punish me for.
Wiping the tears of despair from my eyes, I silently rose
from my bed and approached the closet, I took out my only
gown, and put it on. The cold winter air pierced through my
flesh as I was slipping my simple maid clothes off, and my
skin felt tingly as my body renewed it's warmth with the
long black dress I had not worn for a year or two.
I had no real possessions; a few of my maid rags, no real
jewelry worth carrying a bag for, no fancy items such as
furniture or sculptures for I could never really afford
them, and also no accessories.. For it would be silly for a
maid who's monthly pay is around a quarter to be spending it
on ribbons and hair decorations as she would have nowhere to
wear them to.
With that thought, I grabbed a black little sack which tied
with a noose and shoved a few of my miserable possessions in
it. I then approached the door and rested my hand on the
knob, almost ready to lightly twidge it and swing the door
open when I heard a soft voice coming from behind me.
"Midred? Is that ye me dear?"
"Ah, go back to sleep Eve, ye know Mr. Hetry, he'll have you
lashed with me if he heard you at night, he fancies himself
a gentleman who needs his beauty sleep."
"but where are you going? Has Mr. Pool asked you to approach
him this time of the night? I wouldn't have the slightest
idea what that old man must want with you, nagg nagg nagg
all the time!"
"I am afraid you're missing my point dear, go back to sleep
and we'll talk in the morning." Saying this I had tears
pending in my eyes, as I knew I was never to see dear Eve
again for as long as we both shall live.
"I won't let you do this, do not mistake me for a fool
Midred, I know what you have in mind and it is not the right
thing. Trust me dearest, take the lashing Mr. Hetry dishes
out, just accept your fate, and it's not even a bad one,
some people have it worse..."
"Stop it Eve, I do not have time now." I kept my tone of
voice low yet definite, it hurt me to be harsh with my
beloved Eve yet I felt it to be best. "You must understand
me, as you know me better than them all, I am a free spirit
that can not be held captive in a cage."
"Indeed, I know you Midred, and you're probably right. But
will I ever see thy lovely face again?"
"Presumably not." Eve sighed as I continued firmly.
"And now I must make good my escape, farewell Eve, I hope
Mr. Hetry and Mr. Pool won't demand you to reveal my
And so, we separated. I wasn't sure what was going on inside
me, yet I was sure I didn't want to feel it then. Anger,
sadness, despair and many more awaited me as soon as I'm out
of the clear, and one thing I could say right there and
then, Pain would join in on the party.
As I was making my way to the front door, I realized my key
had been left upstairs in my chamber. On my way upstairs the
noose on my bag caught a splinter in the wooden railing,
instantly causing some damage to the railing and even more
noise for my bag was now tumbling down the stairs and the
rattle caused immediately arose the whole house.
"Trying to avoid punishment are we?" Said Mr. Pool as he ran
towards me and grabbed me by the wrist.
"No.. I.. I heard some noises and I.."
"Which is why, I presume, you put a warm black gown on and
packed a bag which by the way damaged my railing." I heard
Mr. Hetry's voice utter these words with his usual easy
going manner which is known for it's ability to easily
become rage.
"Caught her sneaking out Mr. Hetry, what should I do with
this worthless maid? It is inappropriate for her to be
running off like this, the town men do not approve of this
arrangement you have with her father about her as is, but
eventually they will begin to wonder why is the child
running off."
"May I remind you I do not have amnesia dear sir, and now if
you please.." He pointed his finger upstairs.
After that unpleasant night with Mr. Hetry, and the double
lashing I received with dawn, I was dismissed of my duties
for the rest of the week.
Part two; "Going a little mad are we?"
With time, my will weakened. I no longer resisted Mr.
Hetry's attacks upon me nor did I resent doing house work I
was not assigned to by Mr. Pool.
I was then a 32 year old single woman who's only joy in life
was to be allowed out every month on Friday only so that I
could go to the town central and watch an execution if one
was held (which was usually the case).
One day, I awoke late and rushed out of bed. I couldn't put
a thought as to why I wasn't awoken with dawn as always. I
was frightened Mr. Pool would have me lashed for my
inapropriate behaviour, which included being late amongst
other things in his eyes.
As I was rushing down the stairs as fast as I could to fix
Mr. Hetry's breakfast, I noticed there was not a soul to be
seen. I let my eyes wonder round the mildly decorated
staircase and quickly rushed into the kitchen, for I knew
slacking shan't be tolerated.
The kitchen was empty. For it's remarkable ability to be
full at the tiniest hours of the night it seemed so gloomy
and even somewhat melancholic to me at it's current
condition. I was not falling in love with the situation.
Throwing away the fear of punishment, I ran up the stairs to
Mr. Pool's chamber.. After all it is impossible for a house
with two masters and a staff of 27 people to be empty this
time of day.. Isn't it?
I knocked. No response. Another knock. Silence. I tried the
door knob and surprisingly enough the chamber was not
locked. With great hesitation I took the knob in my hand,
for I knew the punishment awaiting me if there is really
nothing wrong and I am about to barge in on Mr. Pool and
interrupt his late sleep.
I entered the room, the window shades were closed and the
room was completely dark. I was quick to light the candle
arresting upon the table and proceed into the depth of the
As I approached the bed I saw it was made, I hesitantly
walked through the room and saw that everything was intact.
I was thinking this is impossible, madness, sheer madness,
they are either trying to drive me insane or have already
succeeded, a full house is empty.. This cannot be.
As I rushed down the stairs I realized it was indeed so. All
the chambers were empty. I ran frantically from room to room
pounding on the doors. "Open up, open up I say, I know
you're in there open the bloody door!".
I fell down on the bathroom floor with despair. No notes, no
word of mouth, it appeared as if the whole house was swept
by some ungodly power which spared me for I was asleep. I
shut my eyes closed and closed all light enterings there
were. I was laying in complete darkness, body sour and mind
confused. The despair was slowly taking over
A conspiracy. This is what this is, it is impossible for
anything else to be here other than that. Why am I deluding
myself I must be trapped in my mind by now while in reality
I'm in a mad house basement half naked with me arms strapped
behind my back like my dear mother. Oh the horror I cannot
imagine myself in that situation.
I opened my eyes. Something was dripping on me from above..
Oh lord I cannot make out the colour of the substance.. I
rushed up on me feet and to the window, I slammed the shades
open and ran frantically to the mirror. My face was covered
in blood.
I do not know how long I gazed into the face staring at me
in the mirror with such an expression of horror on it's
face, but when I finally tore my gaze away from the
reflection I reached down for the bucket of water which was
laid on the floor for showering and other basic necessities.
I took the bucket in my hands, not really looking at it, was
too busy with me own matters to worry about a bucket a
water. I put the bucket on the small table and ducked both
my hands in it and arose them to my face.
I found myself on the floor a while later. I could not put
my mind as to what happened.. The last thing I remember was
my wanting to rid my face of the blood which dripped on it..
I got up and felt quite ill as I realized why it was I
crashed as I did. The whole floor was covered in blood,
everything smelled like blood, I saw the overturned bucket
on the floor, I think the blood came from it. Then how and
why did it drip on my face?
I arose and walked a few feet through the room. My white
maid clothes were stained and my legs felt soaken to the
bones with a very unpleasant substance.
Suddenly I felt very ill, I was beginning to comprehend the
situation better and I wanted to get out of the room. I ran
to the door and started to mercilessly tug at the knob yet
it refused to budge. I tugged and swirled and tugged some
more, yet it would not give it. I arose my frightened gaze
and looked around; Walls were covered in blood, everything
was covered in blood, everything was red or brown, some on
the stains seemed new while some of the blood appeared to be
there for a while. And then I fell again.
Part three; "Everyone is entitled to their own homocidal
When I awoke again, I was still in the room. Amazingly
enough I did not feel the least bit weak or tired. As the
matter of fact I did not feel anything, not even fear, no,
no more.. I still could or would not comprehend what has
happened to me.. Or at least my body.
I scattered around the room with my eyes and ran into a
woman laying on the floor. The woman's wrists were violently
slashed, legs tied with a rope and mouth shut with a piece
of fabric.
As I approached the body, I felt as if I were light as a
feather, and the most amazing thing was I had no fear. I
approached the woman and looked at her face, an expression
of horror was spread across her face, I just sat there and
gazed at my lifeless body laying on the floor with no
I now knew what has happened. There was no explanation
needed, I grabbed the kitchen knife I found next to the body
and started working my way around the knob with it. My brass
felt strength in it as never before, I liked the feeling of
being strong. I always hated being defenseless really, I
liked having a weapon and a way to defend myself if anything
was to happen to me.
Running down the stairs I saw everyone again. Mr. Pool was
giving out orders and threatening everyone with lashes as
usual and Mr. Hetry was getting ready for work as usual. One
of the cooks was constantly bugging Mr. Pool about me.
"What a slacker that Midred is, worthless dummy."
"Leave her be, she was feeling ill last night and she had
not had a day off in years."
"Eh, nor have I and you don't see me in a night gown do
"Leave it be, you old hatch, I say she is allowed to stay in
late and I mean it, the poor thing has not slept in days!"
Since when has Mr. Pool become so nice to me? The last thing
I remember him by is the lashing he gave me for breaking
three plates as I carried them to the kitchen and slipped.
And Mr. Hetry, something about those two was not as it
should be. The masters of this house always have a
melancholy smirk on their faces and something patronizing in
the way they carry themselves, yet today Mr. Pool seemed to
be overly nice (must surely be the quiet before the storm),
and Mr. Hetry was surprisingly happy. You must realize this
is a man who never smiles apart from when he is attending an
execution, oh yes then his face just leaks with joy.
I walked through the room in arrogance and toyed with the
knife I possessed. No one could see me. I walked in front of
Mr. Hetry.. Nicolas (There is absolutely no point in giving
respect to him now is there? I grinned deep down. I shall
also refer to Mr. Pool as Henry from now on) and smiled.
"You can't harm me anymore now can you? I am not your
multi-purpose slave from this moment on".
Even though words were spoken, I appeared to be the only one
who could hear them. Suddenly I saw Nicolas's expression
change. He rushed out of the door yet failed. I caught him
by the waist and dragged him into the outer garden. The
thick London fog was at my full service and don't think for
a moment I didn't use it.
"I awaited this for so long", I thought to myself while
wiping the blood off the blade with my uniform, "And I now
have my revenge upon you, Mr. Hetry.." I arose from the
On that melancholic tone I proceeded towards the big rusty
gates and swung them open. This was my last stay at the
Hetry residence. |