בייט מי / Invincible One |
Invincible One
with all your power
your iron ego bursts
its all the same
but now there's no
dont regret what you are
imagine the idiots
on the opposite side
you cant run away
you can not hide from yourself
you are what you are
and no one can take it away
its just you that makes it
special this way
Invincible to their opinion
Invincible to how they react
i am what i am
at least not living a lie
and if its how i look
and if its just my way of thinking
is it just my weird creeping
that is what i am
i will never change my ways
you are all the same
i am one
i am one
you are all fake
but i wont run
i cant deny it
i can not hide
this is my unique life
so long you suckers
the ones that stayed behind
im standing proud
and your all standing down
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