I smoked all his cigarets
And flirted with his wife,
I laughted 'bout how he spent
Nearly half of his life.
From the hight of my ignorance
Fake tears and wealth
I could see right through him
And he doubted himself.
He made funny noises
And breathed like a steam
When I mentioned the end
Of all of his dreams.
His wife, was a simple,
But a pretty little thing.
I took her to my place,
She cryed, but agreed.
I know I am stupid,
And I know I am rude.
I know I have seen,
Because I simply could.
I could be just like them,
Thanks God that Im not.
They lives they are living,
They dont live, the rot.
The charming effect
Of the boot on the face
Will lead them to reason
The one they dont chase.
In just couple of minuts
I'll talk to his wife:
I'll tell her to get dressed
And get the hell out of my house. |